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Copyright and Disclaimer Notice

Unreserved Platform: Copyright and Disclaimer Notice

1  Copyright

© Reserve Bank of Australia

Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, and the permissions explicitly granted below, all other rights are reserved.

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) publishes on this website, material which is owned by the RBA or which the RBA is licensed to publish (Unreserved Material). The RBA is committed to the principles of universal access to information and knowledge, and supports and encourages the use of the Unreserved Material in accordance with the conditions set out below.

With the exception of the Excluded Material (defined below), all Unreserved Material is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0 Licence) and may be used in accordance with the terms of that licence. The materials covered by this licence may be reproduced, published, communicated to the public and adapted provided that the RBA is properly attributed in accordance with the RBA’s instructions for Citing Records. Use of these materials is also subject to the disclaimers outlined below.

The terms and conditions of the CC BY 4.0 Licence, as well as further information regarding the licence, can be accessed at <>. Please note that this licence may not give you all the permissions necessary for your intended use of the Unreserved Materials. For example, publicity rights, privacy rights or moral rights may limit how you may use the Unreserved Materials (see Part 4 of this Notice).

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

The following material is not provided under the CC BY 4.0 Licence and may be used only in accordance with the following permissions (Excluded Material):

  • RBA logo: The RBA logo may be used only in accordance with the Logo Use Guidelines582KB.
  • Banknotes: Images and partial images of past and present Australian banknotes may be used only in accordance with the RBA's guidelines for Reproducing Banknotes.
  • Third Party Material: Material containing, or derived from or prepared using, content obtained from a third party (Third Party Material), whether it has been:
    • reproduced in whole or in part in the form supplied by the third party and published as having a third party source; or
    • used by the RBA to derive or prepare other material published as having both a RBA and a third party source,

may not be reproduced, published, communicated to the public, adapted or otherwise used in whole or part without obtaining the consent of the third party owner (specifically or, if the material has been published by a third party, under published licence terms or other terms of use). The RBA has made all reasonable efforts to clearly label Third Party Material as such (see Part 4 of this Notice), and it is the responsibility of users to obtain consent from the relevant third party copyright owner before reproducing, publishing, communicating to the public, adapting or otherwise using this material.

  • Other material expressly excluded: Any material on which it is indicated, either expressly or implicitly, that the CC BY 4.0 Licence does not apply may not be reproduced, published, communicated to the public, adapted or otherwise used in whole or part, unless the material is stated to be subject to other specified permissions, in which case the use of this material is subject to the terms of those other specified permissions.
  • Site infrastructure: Any scripts, styles, style sheets or fonts that relate to the structure or format of this website or the visual presentation of text or images on this website (rather than the text or images themselves) may not be reproduced, published, communicated to the public, adapted or otherwise used in whole or part.

Apart from the permissions explicitly granted above and any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, all other rights in respect of the Excluded Material are reserved.


2  Attribution

Use of Unreserved Material, whether under the CC BY 4.0 Licence or otherwise, requires you to attribute the work in the manner specified by the RBA. Attribution cannot be done in any way that suggests that the RBA endorses you or your use of the Unreserved Material. Attribution of Unreserved Material must be in a form specified in Citing Records.


3  Takedown requests

If you are concerned that material published on this website:

  • has been published without permission;
  • is defamatory;
  • is in breach of copyright, moral rights, privacy or other laws; and/or
  • should be removed from this website for any other reason, 

please contact the Senior Archivist by to request that the material be reviewed and, if appropriate, be removed.  

Your request should include your contact details, a description of the material(s) that are the subject of your request, the reason for the request and copies of all relevant supporting materials.

The RBA will acknowledge takedown requests in writing and will assess and attempt to resolve them to the satisfaction of both parties as quickly as possible. If such a resolution is not possible, the RBA reserves the right to make the final decision.  If access to a record is removed from the Unreserved website following this process, it may be restored if the RBA later determines that the circumstances justifying takedown of the relevant record have changed.


4  Disclaimers

In addition to the disclaimers and information contained in this Part 4, any use of Unreserved Materials provided under the CC BY 4.0 Licence is subject to the disclaimers and warranties as set out in that licence. The terms and conditions can be accessed at: <>.

The RBA expressly disavows any use of the Unreserved Material that in any way violates any applicable law or regulation in force in Australia or a foreign country (or any part of Australia or a foreign country), including but not limited to copyright and moral rights infringements under the Copyright Act 1968 and equivalent laws in other jurisdictions.

The Unreserved Material is intended as a general reference for users. It is made available on the understanding that the RBA, as a result of providing this information, is not engaged in providing professional or financial advice.

While the RBA will make every effort to maintain this website, users should be aware that the RBA accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any Unreserved Material and recommends that users exercise their own care and judgement with respect to its use. Users of Unreserved Material assume the entire risk related to their use of such material, including the use of any material as the basis for a financial instrument, transaction or any other commercial activity. The RBA does not accept any liability arising from reliance on or use of any Unreserved Material.

The RBA is not, under any circumstances, liable for damages of any kind arising out of or in connection with use of or inability to use any Unreserved Material, including damages arising from negligence on the part of the RBA, its employees or agents. By using the Unreserved Material, the user agrees to waive all claims against the RBA and its officers, agents, and employees from any and all liability for claims, damages, costs and expenses of any kind arising from or in any way connected to use of any Unreserved Material, including claims arising from negligence on the part of the RBA, its employees or agents.

The RBA is not, under any circumstances, liable for any breaches by users of:

  • the terms of the CC BY 4.0 Licence;
  • the terms of use of Excluded Material set out in Part 1 of this Notice; and/or
  • any other applicable law or regulation in force in Australia or a foreign country (or any part of Australia or a foreign country), including but not limited to publicity, privacy, and copyright or moral rights under the Copyright Act 1968 and equivalent laws in other jurisdictions.

The RBA has made all reasonable efforts to clearly label material as having a third party source when that material contains, has been derived from or prepared using content obtained from a third party. The RBA has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that Third Party Material has been reproduced on this website with the full consent of the copyright owners.


5  Linking to this website

You may link to this website, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage or take advantage of the RBA's reputation.

You must not:

  • establish a link in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement with or by the RBA where none exists;
  • establish a link to this website in any website that is not owned by you; or
  • frame this website on any other site.

The RBA reserves the right to withdraw linking permission without notice.


6  Related Information

For any enquiries regarding the use of any materials found on this website, please contact the Research Archivist by