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Premises - Head Office, 65 Martin Place - Signing of the Contract for construction of the Reserve Bank Head Office building held in the Board Room - RBA Head Office, cnr Martin Place and Pitt Street - 19 September 1961
Expanded NumberPN-003223TitlePremises - Head Office, 65 Martin Place - Signing of the Contract for construction of the Reserve Bank Head Office building held in the Board Room - RBA Head Office, cnr Martin Place and Pitt Street - 19 September 1961Date19/09/1961TypePhotographSize1.4MBDigital Object Identifierhttps://doi.org/10.47688/RBA_Archives_PN-003223
L to R: JG Menzies (Chief Acct's Dept.), PB Andrew (Premises Dept), WE Kinsey (Project Architect Bank & Special Projects, Dept. of Works), GA Rowe (Architect in Charge, Dept. of Works), RH Scott (Otis Elevator Co.Pty Ltd), A Gluckman & GR Matchett (Steel) (Luke Muras Ltd), J Nolan (Otis Elevator Co. Pty Ltd), DA Tate (Establishment Depart.), C Calderwood (EA Watts Pty Ltd), C. McGrouther (Premises Dept.), JG Phillips (Deputy Governor), AC McPherson (Secretary). Foreground: Dr HC Coombs (Governor), EA Watts (Managing Director, EA Watts Pty Ltd)
Premises - Head Office, 65 Martin Place - Signing of the Contract for construction of the Reserve Bank Head Office building held in the Board Room - RBA Head Office, cnr Martin Place and Pitt Street - 19 September 1961 (19/09/1961). Reserve Bank of Australia Unreserved, accessed 17/02/2025, https://unreserved.rba.gov.au/nodes/view/85368, https://doi.org/10.47688/RBA_Archives_PN-003223