Series Guide: Papua New Guinea
Description of series
The Papua New Guinea series includes material detailing the activities of the Reserve Bank of Australia in the Territory of Papua New Guinea. The Reserve Bank had cooperative arrangements with major banks operating in the country, as well as with the TPNG Administration. Below is a brief explanation of the main record groups.
Education: Financial education for Papua New Guineans was a major project for the RBA, which grew out of a 1960 Conference attended by representatives of the RBA, 4 commercial banks and the Commonwealth Department of External Territories. Education programs consisted of talks supported with films, pamphlets and posters. The costs of printing the materials and creating the films was shared by all the banks operating in TPNG, with the RBA paying 50 per cent and the 4 commercial banks making up the remaining 50 per cent between them. The main targets for the programs were schools and teacher training colleges.
Films: Records in this section give background to the development of scripts and making of the films. Story lines are as follows: Your Money describes the functions and attributes of money and the benefit of saving; What is Wealth? describes the concept of wealth, wealth accumulation, community wealth and cultural wealth; and The Luluai’s Dream is a story illustrating the dangers of hoarding money and keeping it hidden in the house rather than putting it in a bank.
Government Finance: These records pertain to loans raised from Papua New Guineans and, to a lesser extent, European people, for TPNG public works by the Administration of the Territory. Papua New Guineans were encouraged to invest in Treasury Bonds to be stored in a Bank free of charge, rather than hoard money at home. The money raised was to be used to benefit the people and the country in developing public works and services.
Papua and New Guinea Bankers’ College: This was a combined approach by the Australian banks to the training and education of TPNG-born bank staff in the Territory, with the first course held in 1965. The main curriculum was organised into a 3-level program comprising an Elementary Banking Certificate, Advanced Banking Certificate and Basic Supervisory Certificate. Other courses could also be studied, including Typewriting, and Business Communications. Decisions were made by an Inter-bank Committee, which included MJ Phillips (Chair) and Henry ToRobert (Reserve Bank Representative). The RBA’s involvement in the College was handed over to BPNG in 1973.
PNG Development Bank: This Bank was set up by the Government, not the Reserve Bank. The Papua New Guinea Development Bank Ordinance 1965 was passed to establish the Development Bank and it opened for business on 6 July 1967. It was created as an avenue to finance for Papua New Guineans and expatriate people who did not meet the lending criteria of the commercial banks, and who required the loan to establish or develop a business, especially one involving primary production. The RBA formally ended its relationship with the PNG Development Bank with the transfer of central banking activities to BPNG in 1973.
Rural Credits: The function of the Rural Credits Department was to provide finance to statutory marketing boards and cooperative associations of primary producers. The first advance in TPNG occurred in 1953 to assist the marketing of copra. Later advances were also made to assist the processing and marketing of coffee and cocoa.
Savings and Loan Societies: The first stage of the RBA’s financial work in TPNG was to establish Savings Societies among Papuan New Guineans. These taught those involved how to save money and use banks to store it. Eventually these Savings Societies could become Savings and Loan Societies where members could apply for loans from the pooled saved amount in order to establish businesses such as stores. The first society was registered in 1962 and, by 1971, there were 277 societies in operation.
TPNG Committee: Meetings held in TPNG, comprised of Bank staff, discussed aspects of Bank activities in the country. The first meeting occurred on 19 October 1960. Attendees were AW Elvery (Chairman), Dr PWE Curtin, AJ McIntyre, Gwyn Lewis, EL Apted, EV Fleming and JF Collins (Secretary). MJ Phillips later replaced AJ McIntyre and JM Cooling replaced EL Apted.
Transfer of Commonwealth Functions: This Committee was created to “ascertain the views of Departments concerned; study the problems and implications arising therefrom; and recommend and advise on the priorities, best means and timing for transferring these functions to the PNG Administration.” Included were Commonwealth Departments such as Civil Aviation, Shipping and Transport, Works, National Development, Interior, Health, CSIRO and the Overseas Telecommunications Centre.
United Nations: These records pertain to subjects relating to TPNG, such as United Nations resolutions, reports and discussions. Included are Reports to, and of, the Trusteeship Council, from visiting missions, Australian National University Summer Work Camps, excerpts from World Bank Mission report ‘Papua and New Guinea: A Program for Development’, Committee on Colonialism, and the General Assembly’s Declaration on Colonialism.
Biographical/historical notes
This series was created by officers of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia and the Reserve Bank of Australia while performing their Bank duties in TPNG.
In 1884 Britain declared a protectorate over south-east New Guinea, creating a colony in 1888. North New Guinea become a German possession at this time.
On 3 September 1906 the Administration of British New Guinea was transferred to Australia and the country renamed Papua.
First World War
A temporary ‘Administration Bank’ was created in 1914, after the capture of German lands in the Pacific by Australian forces. This facility served the civil, naval and military population and initially continued the use of the German mark as currency.
In 1916 the Administrator of New Guinea, Colonel Petheridge, requested through the Minister for Defence that the Commonwealth Bank of Australia open a branch in Rabaul, TPNG. The purpose was to cater for the 1,200 Australian military personnel stationed there.
Chief Accountant of the Commonwealth Bank, HT Armitage, left Sydney on 14 March 1916, accompanied by 2 officers of the Bank and 2 safes of Australian banknotes. On 15 April 1916 the establishment of the Commonwealth Bank in New Guinea was proclaimed and German currency was withdrawn from circulation. Australian banknotes and coinage were issued as the only legal tender.
The Branch was housed in the former German Administration’s Treasury building. JH Slatyer held the position of Manager, DH Gray the Acting Accountant and Teller, and E Harmer was the clerk. All military accounts were transferred to the Commonwealth Bank, and all outlying area agencies were attached to it.
By July 1917 agencies existed at Ablingi, Aitape, Gasmatta, Kaewieng, Kieta, Kokopo, Madang, Manus, Morobe, Namatanai and Talasea. Kaewieng became a full branch on 16 May 1921.
Second World War
As the Japanese advanced in 1942, all Bank branches and agencies were closed. Rabaul was the first to close, on 21 January of that year. Lae branch had only been open for 6 weeks when it was forced to close. By October 1944, hostilities had ended and the Territory was under Military Administration. A Commonwealth Savings Bank Branch was established at Port Moresby, becoming a full branch in October 1945.
Post-war Period
In 1949, HC Coombs became Governor of the Commonwealth Bank (and later of the RBA). He brought with him experience as Director-General of the Department of Post-War Reconstruction, including the transfer of the TPNG Administration from military to civilian control.
Madang branch had opened in 1948, followed by Honiara in 1951 and Goroka, Wewak and Bulolo in 1956.
In 1955 the first 4 Papua New Guinean schoolboys were recruited as Bank clerks. Two were assigned to Port Moresby branch, and 2 to Rabaul branch. Savings accounts became very popular for Papua New Guineans. By June 1959 there were 53,442 savings accounts held by Papua New Guineans at the Bank, with a total balance of £1,123,000.
Reserve Bank of Australia
The Reserve Bank Act 1959 separated the Commonwealth Bank’s central banking functions from its commercial banking activities. The Commonwealth Bank was renamed the Reserve Bank of Australia which would act as the nation’s central bank and was constituted separately from the newly created Commonwealth Banking Corporation which would operate as a trading bank.
On 18 August 1960 the RBA opened a branch in Port Moresby. There was a widespread movement after the Second World War to end colonisation and support developing economies. The Bank’s presence in TPNG was intended to support the creation of a financial system in the Territory, enabling it to secure economic and political independence. At this time, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, which was now a completely separate business, continued operating in TPNG as a purely commercial entity.
The Reserve Bank’s initial work in TPNG involved establishing a savings and loan society system (credit union) and an education program aimed at giving Papuan New Guineans knowledge about money, wealth and the use of banks. A multi-modal approach was adopted that involved the creation of films, pamphlets and educational courses. Field officers travelled the country, visiting remote communities to help groups establish savings societies and begin to manage their own money. In 1965 the TPNG Division of the Reserve Bank was created, which was responsible for all of the Bank’s activities in the Territory.
Papua New Guineans were increasingly trained and hired to staff the Bank in TPNG. This included Henry ToRobert, who was awarded a Bank scholarship to study Economics at Sydney University, and trained to eventually become the Governor of the country’s new central bank (Bank of Papua New Guinea) after the scheduled handover of functions and withdrawal of the Reserve Bank of Australia.
The Reserve Bank of Australia transferred control of the central bank functions, along with the Bank’s premises, to the Bank of Papua New Guinea (BPNG) on 1 November 1973. To celebrate the event, the new Governor, Henry ToRobert, presented the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, John Phillips, with an Arawe Shield. This shield is still held in the Bank’s collection today. When the Reserve Bank of Australia left TPNG, the Commonwealth Bank remained in the capacity of a foreign commercial bank.
PNG became independent (self-governing) on 16 September 1975.
Prominent People:
Mervyn John Phillips (known as John) (1930–2014).
Note: MJ (John) Phillips [TPNG staff and later Deputy Governor] and John ‘Jock’ Phillips [RBA Governor] both worked for the Bank during the same period, and were both known as ‘John Phillips’.
In May 1961 Phillips was appointed a Research Economist in TPNG. His duties included working on subjects of interest to the Bank’s TPNG Committee including the establishment and encouragement of credit union type activity and the conduct of a promotion and education program in the fields of money, thrift, credit and banking. The role involved cooperation with TPNG Administration on projects involving the economic development of the Territory. He was directly responsible to the Chairman of the TPNG Committee but also reported to the Manager of the Port Moresby branch in order to keep him informed..
In early 1963 Phillips became TPNG Manager. This promotion involved a reclassification of the Manager position, which would see Phillips also become Registrar, Territory Inscribed Stock and Registrar, Savings and Loan Societies. He therefore became responsible for all the Bank’s activities in the Territory.
March 1964 saw the end of his term as TPNG Manager in Port Moresby and he returned to Sydney to work in Head Office Administration for TPNG. The Sydney-based TPNG Division was created at Head Office in 1965. Phillips remained in this Division until 18 July 1969.
He returned to TPNG on 29 June 1972 in order to organise the end of the Reserve Bank’s activities there and the closure of the Port Moresby branch. On 31 October 1973 he attended the opening ceremony of the Bank of Papua New Guinea, which marked the end of the Reserve Bank’s presence in the country.
Henry ToRobert (1942–2018)
From Ramale village, 8 miles from Rabaul (New Britain), Robert attended Vuvu Catholic Mission School. Performing well at school, he received a TPNG Administration scholarship to complete his secondary education in Australia. This scholarship allowed ToRobert to study for 5 years (beginning 1957), at Christian Brothers College (St Brendon’s College) in Yeppoon, Queensland.
Selected as a promising student, ToRobert was awarded a Reserve Bank of Australia scholarship to study Economics. He commenced the degree at Sydney University in 1962, graduating in 1966. He was the first TPNG person to earn a degree in Economics, and the second to earn a degree at an Australian university. He worked at the Reserve Bank’s Head Office in Sydney, in the TPNG Division, while studying at the university and also at the Port Moresby branch during holidays.
In 1965 he attended the ANZAS Conference in Hobart and, in August, returned to Port Moresby to lecture at the first Combined Banks’ Training Course for indigenous bank officers.
On 10 January 1966 ToRobert was promoted as Assistant to the Research Officer, Mr Stuart, at Port Moresby. Shortly after, on 25 February 1966, he commenced a new position as Economic Research Officer of the TPNG Division.
In 1968 he attended the SEANZA Central Banking Course in Colombo, also spending a period in training with the International Monetary Fund in Washington and at Bank Negara in Malaysia. Subsequently, in 1969, ToRobert participated in the International Monetary Fund Institute’s Course on Financial Analysis and Policy in Washington.
In 1972 he was a member of the Papua New Guinea delegation to the annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank in Vienna, and also visited other European cities and the United Kingdom. The delegates had discussions with leading financial institutions, including banks, in London, Brussels, Paris, Basel, Zurich, Frankfurt and Amsterdam.
ToRobert was promoted from Deputy Manager to Manager of the Reserve Bank branch, Port Moresby on 17 July 1972, replacing Mr Sharp who had been in the position since 1967. He became Governor of the Bank of Papua New Guinea upon the withdrawal of the Reserve Bank from the country in 1973. He held this position for the next 20 years.
Arrangement description
The Papua New Guinea series forms part of the C5741: Reserve Bank of Australia Branches series.
Articles and Addresses
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-a-91 |
Papua New Guinea - Articles and Addresses - H.C. Coombs |
1960 |
PNG-b-505 |
Papua New Guinea - Miscellaneous - Articles and Addresses - Departmental Staff |
1969–1971 |
Banking in PNG
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-a-44 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings Bank Advertising |
1960–1967 |
PNG-b-63 |
Papua New Guinea - Banks - Banking in P.N.G. - Administration Guarantees - 1958 - May 1963 |
1958–1963 |
PNG-b-64 |
Papua New Guinea - Banks - Banking in P.N.G. - Administration Guarantees - June 1963 - March 1966 |
1963–1966 |
PNG-b-67 |
Papua New Guinea - Banks - Banking in P.N.G. - Banking Facilities |
1955–1972 |
PNG-b-69 |
Papua New Guinea - Banks - Banking in P.N.G. - Central Bank /Government Relations |
1964–1969 |
PNG-b-70 |
Papua New Guinea - Banks - Banking in P.N.G. - Commonwealth Banking Corporation |
1943–1974 |
PNG-b-71 |
Papua New Guinea - Banks - Banking in P.N.G. - Exchange Settlement Accounts |
1967–1973 |
PNG-b-72 |
Papua New Guinea - Banks - Banking in P.N.G. - Hours of Business |
1962–1973 |
PNG-b-73 |
Papua New Guinea - Banks - Banking in P.N.G. - Interest Rates |
1962–1971 |
PNG-b-74 |
Papua New Guinea - Banks - Banking in P.N.G. - Legislation |
1965–1975 |
PNG-b-76 |
Papua New Guinea - Banks - Banking in P.N.G. - Policy |
1960–1968 |
PNG-b-77 |
Papua New Guinea - Banks - Banking in P.N.G. - Policy |
1970–1973 |
PNG-b-79 |
Papua New Guinea - Banks - Banking in P.N.G. - Proposal for a Local Bank |
1962–1969 |
PNG-b-80 |
Papua New Guinea - Banks - Banking in P.N.G. - Proposal for a Local Bank - Bank of New South Wales |
1970–1971 |
PNG-b-85 |
Papua New Guinea - Banks - First National City Bank |
1969–1972 |
Central Bank
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-b-103 |
Papua New Guinea - Banks - Reserve Bank - Enquiries re Operations in P.N.G. |
1967–1971 |
PNG-b-105 |
Papua New Guinea - Banks - Reserve Bank - Investment in P.N.G. |
1960–1972 |
PNG-b-107 |
Papua New Guinea - Banks - Reserve Bank - "Shadow" Accounts |
1963–1972 |
PNG-b-113 |
Papua New Guinea - Central Bank - Bank of Papua New Guinea - Accounting Procedures |
1972–1973 |
PNG-b-114 |
Papua New Guinea - Central Bank - Bank of Papua New Guinea - Accounting Procedures - Investment of Surplus Funds |
1973 |
PNG-b-118 |
Papua New Guinea - Central Bank - Bank of Papua New Guinea - Banking Legislation |
1973 |
PNG-b-118-1 |
Papua New Guinea - Central Bank - Bank of Papua New Guinea - Banking Legislation |
1973 |
PNG-b-119 |
Papua New Guinea - Central Bank - Bank of Papua New Guinea - Banking Legislation - August - November 1973 |
1973 |
PNG-b-119-1 |
Papua New Guinea - Central Bank - Bank of Papua New Guinea - Banking Legislation |
1973 |
PNG-b-120 |
Papua New Guinea - Central Bank - Bank of Papua New Guinea - Capital Structure and Financial Arrangements |
1972–1973 |
PNG-b-122 |
Papua New Guinea - Central Bank - Bank of Papua New Guinea - Staff Housing Scheme |
1972–1973 |
PNG-b-123 |
Papua New Guinea - Central Bank - Bank of Papua New Guinea - General |
1972–1973 |
PNG-b-124 |
Papua New Guinea - Central Bank - Bank of Papua New Guinea - Arrangements for Closure of Port Moresby Office of Reserve Bank of Australia |
1973–1974 |
PNG-b-125 |
Papua New Guinea - Central Bank - Bank of Papua New Guinea - Structure |
1971–1973 |
PNG-b-126 |
Papua New Guinea - Central Bank - Bank of Papua New Guinea - Instrument of Appointment |
1973 |
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-a-50 |
Papua New Guinea - Companies - Ordinance |
1963–1964 |
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
Papua New Guinea - Bank Contacts on P.N.G Matters - Index Cards A-Z |
1971 |
PNG-65-1 |
Papua New Guinea - Contacts with the Department of Territories |
1961–1965 |
PNG-65-2 |
Papua New Guinea - Contacts with Prime Minister |
1960–1965 |
PNG-65-3 |
Papua New Guinea - Contacts with Treasurer (Australia) |
1959–1965 |
PNG-65-4 |
Papua New Guinea - Contacts with University of Papua and New Guinea |
1965 |
Council on New Guinea Affairs
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-a-53 |
Papua New Guinea - Council on New Guinea Affairs - Seminars - I.B.R.D Project |
1965 |
Customs Duty
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-65-5 |
Papua New Guinea - Customs Duty |
1961–1965 |
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-b-475 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Working Party on Future Currency Arrangements for Papua New Guinea |
1971–1972 |
PNG-b-476 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Working Party on Future Currency Arrangement for Papua New Guinea |
1972 |
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-a-59 |
Papua New Guinea - Economic Planning - Mekeo / Roro Survey |
1965 |
PNG-a-60 |
Papua New Guinea - Economic Planning - Project Planning Team |
1963–1967 |
PNG-a-67 |
Papua New Guinea - I.B.R.D. - Economic Survey 1963 |
1961–1964 |
PNG-a-69 |
Papua New Guinea - I.B.R.D. - Economic Survey 1963 - Data Supplied |
1955–1965 |
PNG-b-165 |
Papua New Guinea - Economy - Balance of Payments |
1965–1969 |
PNG-b-174 |
Papua New Guinea - Economy - Bougainville Copper - 1966 - 1969 |
1966–1969 |
PNG-b-175 |
Papua New Guinea - Economy - Bougainville Copper - 1970 |
1970 |
PNG-b-176 |
Papua New Guinea - Economy - Bougainville Copper - 1971 - 1973 |
1971–1973 |
PNG-b-190 |
Papua New Guinea - Economy - Currency - Separate Local Currency |
1953–1971 |
PNG-b-191 |
Papua New Guinea - Economy - Currency - Separate Local Currency |
1972–1974 |
PNG-b-192 |
Papua New Guinea - Economy - Currency - Traditional Currencies |
1961–1972 |
PNG-b-193 |
Papua New Guinea - Economy - Currency - Volume of Money |
1960–1963 |
PNG-b-194 |
Papua New Guinea - Economy - Currency - Gold |
1972–1973 |
PNG-b-195 |
Papua New Guinea - Economy - Currency - P.N.G. Study Group |
1972–1973 |
PNG-b-203 |
Papua New Guinea - Economy - Economic Planning |
1963–1969 |
PNG-b-205 |
Papua New Guinea - Economy - Economic Planning - Territory Administration |
1962–1971 |
PNG-b-210 |
Papua New Guinea - Economy - Financial System for Papua New Guinea |
1970–1972 |
PNG-b-211 |
Papua New Guinea - Economy - Five Year Development Plan - 1968/68-1972/73 |
1968–1969 |
PNG-b-212 |
Papua New Guinea - Economy - Five Year Development Plan - No.2 |
1970–1972 |
PNG-b-213 |
Papua New Guinea - Economy - Five Year Development Plan - No.3 |
1970–1973 |
PNG-b-216 |
Papua New Guinea - Economy - Indigenous Participation in Investment |
1967–1971 |
PNG-b-219 |
Papua New Guinea - Economy - Investment Corporation |
1967–1970 |
PNG-b-220 |
Papua New Guinea - Economy - Investment Corporation |
1970–1972 |
PNG-b-227 |
Papua New Guinea - Economy - Private Investment in P.N.G |
1962–1972 |
PNG-b-228 |
Papua New Guinea - Economy - Short Term Money Market |
1967–1973 |
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-a-39 |
Papua New Guinea - Education Campaign - General |
1961–1967 |
PNG-a-61 |
Papua New Guinea - Education - Adult Education Course June 1962 (Developing Papua New Guinea) |
1962 |
PNG-a-62 |
Papua New Guinea - Education - Commission on Higher Education |
1963–1964 |
PNG-b-269 |
Papua New Guinea - Financial Education - Education Campaign - General |
1968–1973 |
PNG-b-305 |
Papua New Guinea - Financial Education - Talks - General |
1968–1971 |
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-a-40 |
Papua New Guinea - Films - Contract - "Your Money" etc. |
1963–1964 |
PNG-a-41 |
Papua New Guinea - Films - Decimal Currency - Changes - "Your Money" etc. |
1964–1967 |
PNG-a-95 |
Papua New Guinea - Films - Contract |
1963–1965 |
PNG-a-96 |
Papua New Guinea - Films - Correspondence - T.P.N.G. |
1963–1965 |
PNG-a-97 |
Papua New Guinea - Films - Production |
1961–1965 |
PNG-b-289 |
Papua New Guinea - Financial Education - Films - "The Luluai's Dream" |
1963–1971 |
PNG-b-290 |
Papua New Guinea - Financial Education - Films - "What is Wealth" |
1964–1970 |
PNG-b-291 |
Papua New Guinea - Financial Education - Films - "Your Money" |
1963–1970 |
PNG-b-277 |
Papua New Guinea - Financial Education - Films - General |
1964–1973 |
PNG-b-287 |
Papua New Guinea - Financial Education - Films - Storage |
1964–1970 |
PNG-F-168 |
Papua New Guinea - Film and Tapes - Papua New Guinea Films Miscellaneous Paper Work |
1962–1967 |
Government Finance
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-b-312 |
Papua New Guinea - Government Finance - P.N.G. Budgets |
1963–1973 |
PNG-b-320 |
Papua New Guinea - Government Finance - P.N.G. Loan Programme - General |
1960–1968 |
PNG-b-324 |
Papua New Guinea - Government Finance - P.N.G. Loan Programme - Premium Securities T1-5 |
1960–1968 |
PNG-b-333 |
Papua New Guinea - Government Finance - P.N.G. Loan Programme - Private Treaty Loans |
1966–1973 |
PNG-b-337 |
Papua New Guinea - Government Finance - P.N.G. Government Securities |
1971–1973 |
Meeting - ACCENT
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-A-1 |
Papua New Guinea - Advisory Committee on Central Banking in Papua New Guinea (ACCENT) - Proceedings 1966 - 1967 |
1966–1967 |
PNG-A-2 |
Papua New Guinea - Advisory Committee on Central Banking in Papua New Guinea (ACCENT) - Proceedings 1967 - 1968 |
1967–1968 |
PNG-A-3 |
Papua New Guinea - Advisory Committee on Central Banking in Papua New Guinea (ACCENT) - Proceedings 1968 - 1969 |
1968–1969 |
PNG-A-4 |
Papua New Guinea - Advisory Committee on Central Banking in Papua New Guinea (ACCENT) - Proceedings 1969 - 1970 |
1969–1970 |
PNG-A-5 |
Papua New Guinea - Advisory Committee on Central Banking in Papua New Guinea (ACCENT) - Proceedings 1970 - 1971 |
1970–1971 |
PNG-A-6 |
Papua New Guinea - Advisory Committee on Central Banking in Papua New Guinea (ACCENT) - Proceedings 1972 - 1973 |
1972–1973 |
PNG-a-2 |
Papua New Guinea - ACCENT - Meeting - September 1966 |
1966 |
PNG-a-3 |
Papua New Guinea - ACCENT - Meeting - January 1967 |
1966–1967 |
PNG-a-4 |
Papua New Guinea - ACCENT - Meeting - April 1967 |
1967–1969 |
PNG-a-5 |
Papua New Guinea - ACCENT - Meeting - September 1967 |
1967 |
PNG-a-6 |
Papua New Guinea - ACCENT - Meeting - February 1968 |
1967–1968 |
PNG-a-7 |
Papua New Guinea - ACCENT - Meeting - June 1968 |
1968 |
PNG-a-8 |
Papua New Guinea - ACCENT - Meeting - November 1968 |
1968–1969 |
PNG-b-390 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - ACCENT - General |
1969–1973 |
PNG-b-391 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - ACCENT - March 1969 |
1968–1969 |
PNG-b-392 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - ACCENT - July 1969 |
1969 |
PNG-b-393 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - ACCENT - November 1969 |
1969–1970 |
PNG-b-394 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - ACCENT - April 1970 |
1970 |
PNG-b-395 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - ACCENT - August 1970 |
1970 |
PNG-b-396 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - ACCENT - November 1970 |
1970–1971 |
PNG-b-397 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - ACCENT - March 1971 |
1971 |
PNG-b-398 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - ACCENT - July 1971 |
1971 |
PNG-b-399 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - ACCENT - December 1971 |
1971–1972 |
PNG-b-400 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - ACCENT - March 1972 |
1972 |
PNG-b-401 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - ACCENT - August 1972 |
1972 |
PNG-b-402 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - ACCENT - December 1972 |
1972–1973 |
PNG-b-403 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - ACCENT - June 1973 |
1973 |
Meetings - Advice
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-a-94 |
Papua New Guinea - Committees of Advice |
1961–1965 |
Meetings - Central Bank Advisory Committee
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-b-426 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Central Bank Advisory Committee - Information Papers |
1960–1962 |
PNG-b-432 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Central Bank Advisory - Periodical Reports on Department |
1964–1968 |
Meetings - Conference
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-b-445 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Conference - Departmental Senior Staff |
1968–1969 |
Meetings - Discussions and Correspondence with politicians
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-b-495 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Discussions with the Administrator |
1972 |
PNG-b-496 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Discussions with Ministerial Members |
1972–1973 |
PNG-b-566 |
Papua New Guinea - Miscellaneous - Treasurer (Australia) - General Correspondence |
1965–1971 |
Meetings - Interdepartmental Committee on Banking and Finance in Papua New Guinea
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-b-474 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Inter-Departmental Committee on Banking and Finance in Papua New Guinea - Minutes of Meetings |
1971–1972 |
PNG-b-477 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Inter-Departmental Committee on Banking and Finance in Papua New Guinea - September 1971 |
1971 |
PNG-b-478 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Inter-Departmental Committee on Banking and Finance in Papua New Guinea - October 1971 |
1971 |
PNG-b-479 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Inter-Departmental Committee on Banking and Finance in Papua New Guinea - November 1971 |
1971 |
PNG-b-480 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Inter-Departmental Committee on Banking and Finance in Papua New Guinea - December 1971 |
1971 |
PNG-b-481 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Inter-Departmental Committee on Banking and Finance in Papua New Guinea - January 1972 |
1971–1972 |
PNG-b-482 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Inter-Departmental Committee on Banking and Finance in Papua New Guinea - February 1972 |
1972 |
PNG-b-483 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Inter-Departmental Committee on Banking and Finance in Papua New Guinea - March 1972 |
1972 |
PNG-b-484 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Inter-Departmental Committee on Banking and Finance in Papua New Guinea - March 1972 - Discussions with I.M.F. |
1971–1972 |
PNG-b-485 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Inter-Departmental Committee on Banking and Finance in Papua New Guinea - April 1972 |
1972 |
PNG-b-486 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Inter-Departmental Committee on Banking and Finance in Papua New Guinea - May 1972 |
1972 |
PNG-b-487 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Inter-Departmental Committee on Banking and Finance in Papua New Guinea - June 1972 |
1972 |
PNG-b-488 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Inter-Departmental Committee on Banking and Finance in Papua New Guinea - July 1972 |
1972 |
PNG-b-489 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Inter-Departmental Committee on Banking and Finance in Papua New Guinea - October 1972 |
1972 |
PNG-b-490 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Inter-Departmental Committee on Banking and Finance in Papua New Guinea - 18 - 20 October 1972 |
1972 |
PNG-b-491 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Inter-Departmental Committee on Banking and Finance in Papua New Guinea - Final Correspondence |
1972–1973 |
PNG-b-492 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Inter-Departmental Committee on Banking and Finance in Papua New Guinea - Final Reports |
1972–1973 |
Meetings - Localisation
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-b-471 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Seminars - Localisation |
1971 |
Meetings - Other Banks
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-b-452 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings with Other Banks - September 1968 |
1968 |
PNG-b-453 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings with Other Banks - September 1969 |
1969 |
PNG-67-1 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings with Other Banks |
1960–1967 |
National Income
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-a-74 |
Papua New Guinea - National Income - A.N.U. Survey 1953 |
1953–1962 |
PNG-a-75 |
Papua New Guinea - National Income - A.N.U. Survey 1953 - Background Notes |
1950–1951 |
PNG-a-76 |
Papua New Guinea - National Income - A.N.U. Survey 1962 |
1961–1962 |
PNG Bankers College
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-a-26 |
Papua New Guinea - Training - P.N.G. Bankers' College - General |
1966–1968 |
PNG-a-27 |
Papua New Guinea - Training - P.N.G. Bankers' College - Inter-Bank Committee |
1965–1967 |
PNG-a-28 |
Papua New Guinea - Training - P.N.G. Bankers' College - Inter-Bank Committee - November / December 1968 |
1968 |
PNG-b-36 |
Papua New Guinea - Bankers' College - Hill Report |
1966 |
PNG-b-38 |
Papua New Guinea - Bankers' College - Inter-Bank Committee on Staff Training - Agenda / Minutes of Meetings |
1966–1972 |
PNG-b-39 |
Papua New Guinea - Bankers' College - Inter-Bank Committee on Staff Training - Meeting - March 1969 |
1968–1969 |
PNG-b-40 |
Papua New Guinea - Bankers' College - Inter-Bank Committee on Staff Training - Meeting - April 1970 |
1969–1970 |
PNG-b-41 |
Papua New Guinea - Bankers' College - Inter-Bank Committee on Staff Training - Meeting - October 1970 |
1970 |
PNG-b-42 |
Papua New Guinea - Bankers' College - Inter-Bank Committee on Staff Training - Meeting - February 1971 |
1971 |
PNG-b-43 |
Papua New Guinea - Bankers' College - Inter-Bank Committee on Staff Training - Meeting - November 1971 |
1971 |
PNG-b-44 |
Papua New Guinea - Bankers' College - Inter-Bank Committee on Staff Training - Meeting - May 1972 |
1972 |
PNG-b-45 |
Papua New Guinea - Bankers' College - Inter-Bank Committee on Staff Training - Meeting - November 1972 |
1972–1973 |
PNG-b-46 |
Papua New Guinea - Bankers' College - Inter-Bank Committee on Staff Training - Meeting - June 1973 |
1973 |
PNG-66-1 |
Papua New Guinea - Training - P.N.G. - Bankers' College Course 1 |
1965–1966 |
PNG-66-2 |
Papua New Guinea - Training - P.N.G. - Bankers' College Course 1 |
1965–1966 |
PNG-66-3 |
Papua New Guinea - Training - P.N.G. - Bankers' College Course 2 |
1966 |
PNG-66-4 |
Papua New Guinea - Training - P.N.G. - Bankers' College Course 2 - Syllabus & Papers |
1966 |
PNG Development Bank
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-a-55 |
Papua New Guinea - Development Finance - P.N.G. Development Bank - 1963 - 1965 |
1963–1965 |
PNG-a-55-1 |
Papua New Guinea - Development Finance - P.N.G. Development Bank - 1963 - 1965 |
1963–1965 |
PNG-a-58 |
Papua New Guinea - Development Finance - P.N.G. Development Bank - Intermediaries Committee - 1967 |
1967 |
PNG-b-92 |
Papua New Guinea - Banks - P.N.G. Development Bank 1967 |
1967 |
PNG-b-93 |
Papua New Guinea - Banks - P.N.G. Development Bank 1968 |
1967–1968 |
PNG-b-94 |
Papua New Guinea - Banks - P.N.G. Development Bank 1969 - 1971 |
1969–1971 |
PNG-b-95 |
Papua New Guinea - Banks - P.N.G. Development Bank - 1972 - 1973 |
1972–1973 |
PNG-b-101 |
Papua New Guinea - Banks - P.N.G. Development Bank - Reserve Bank Finance |
1969–1972 |
PNG-b-102 |
Papua New Guinea - Banks - P.N.G. Development Bank - Intermediaries Committee |
1967 |
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-b-637 |
Papua New Guinea - Politics - Commonwealth Government Policy in Papua New Guinea - 1960 - 1970 |
1960–1970 |
PNG-b-638 |
Papua New Guinea - Politics - Commonwealth Government Policy in Papua New Guinea - 1971 - 1973 |
1971–1973 |
PNG-60-1 |
Papua New Guinea - General Policy Papers - May - October 1960 |
1960 |
PNG-61-2 |
Papua New Guinea - General Policy Papers - September 1960 - January 1961 |
1960–1961 |
PNG-62-3 |
Papua New Guinea - General Policy Papers - 1961 to 1962 |
1961–1962 |
PNG-64-2 |
Papua New Guinea - General Policy Papers - 1963 - 1964 |
1963–1964 |
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-a-89 |
Papua New Guinea - Port Moresby - New Branch Building - General |
1961–1965 |
PNG-a-90 |
Papua New Guinea - Port Moresby - New Branch Building - General |
1966 |
PNG-b-700 |
Papua New Guinea - Premises - Popondetta - Higa Street - Lot 24, Section 12 |
1967–1969 |
PNG-b-793 |
Papua New Guinea - Premises - Disposal of Properties |
1972–1973 |
Primary Industry
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-a-80 |
Papua New Guinea - Primary Industry - Brief Notes |
1953–1966 |
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-a-26-1 |
Papua New Guinea - Report on Careers Advisors Seminars |
1969 |
PNG-a-33 |
Papua New Guinea - Booklets - Survey 1964 - Report |
1964 |
PNG-a-74-1 |
Papua New Guinea - Report of a Working Committee of the Australian National University Canberra March 1953 |
1953 |
PNG-a-83 |
Papua New Guinea - Reports - Commonwealth Bank New Guinea Committee |
1953–1958 |
PNG-a-84 |
Papua New Guinea - Reports - Reserve Bank Working Party 1960 |
1960–1961 |
PNG-a-85 |
Papua New Guinea - Reports - Thomas - Ryan Survey 1959 |
1958–1962 |
PNG-a-85-1 |
Papua New Guinea - Report of Survey on the use of Money and of the need for credit by the indigenous people of Territory of Papua and New Guinea |
1959 |
PNG-a-102 |
Papua New Guinea - Report on Activities - July 1963 |
1963 |
PNG-a-103 |
Papua New Guinea - Report on Activities - July 1963 abbreviated |
1963 |
PNG-a-104 |
Papua New Guinea - Report on Activities - July 1965 |
1965 |
PNG-a-142 |
Papua New Guinea - District of New Britain Annual Report |
1952–1953 |
PNG-b-836 |
Papua New Guinea - Reports - Credit Survey - 1969 |
1969 |
PNG-b-837 |
Papua New Guinea - Reports - Credit Survey - 1970 - 1971 |
1970–1971 |
PNG-b-842 |
Papua New Guinea - Reports - District Survey - Morobe Distict |
1962–1970 |
PNG-b-845 |
Papua New Guinea - Reports - District Survey - Sepik District |
1967–1970 |
PNG-b-846 |
Papua New Guinea - Reports - Indigenous Trade Survey - 1968/69 |
1968–1970 |
PNG-b-853 |
Papua New Guinea - Reports - Report on Activities - T.P.N.G. Committee |
1965 |
Royal Institute of Public Administration (TPNG)
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-a-86 |
Papua New Guinea - Royal Institute of Public Administration (T.P.N.G.) |
1962–1966 |
Rural Credits
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-b-818 |
Papua New Guinea - Rural Credits - Finance |
1962–1973 |
PNG-b-826 |
Papua New Guinea - Rural Credits - 1965 - 1969 |
1965–1969 |
PNG-b-827 |
Papua New Guinea - Rural Credits - 1970 - 1973 |
1970–1973 |
Savings and Loan Societies
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-b-880 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Annual Report of the Registrar |
1962–1971 |
PNG-b-881 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Annual Report of the Registrar |
1972–1973 |
PNG-b-882 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Articles for Publication |
1961–1972 |
PNG-b-890 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Conferences - Assistant Registrar |
1967–1969 |
PNG-b-891 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Conferences - Registrar |
1970–1971 |
PNG-b-901 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Defalcations |
1964–1972 |
PNG-b-902 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - District Surveys |
1962–1971 |
PNG-b-904 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Eastern Highlands League - General |
1966–1971 |
PNG-b-905 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Eastern Highlands League - Meetings |
1966–1971 |
PNG-b-908 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Eastern Highlands League - Rules |
1967 |
PNG-b-912 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Federation - Budgets |
1966–1972 |
PNG-b-913 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Federation - Budgets |
1973–1974 |
PNG-b-918 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Federation - Fund Protection Scheme |
1964–1968 |
PNG-b-921 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Federation - Meetings |
1965–1968 |
PNG-b-922 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Federation - Meetings |
1969–1973 |
PNG-b-924 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Federation - Monthly Report |
1970–1972 |
PNG-b-925 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Federation - Rules |
1965–1971 |
PNG-b-929 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Federation and Leagues - General |
1963–1973 |
PNG-b-930 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Federation and Leagues - Rules |
1971 |
PNG-b-934 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Gazelle League - Audits |
1970–1971 |
PNG-b-936 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Gazelle League - Business Activities |
1969–1972 |
PNG-b-937 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Gazelle League - Conditions of Employment |
1966–1969 |
PNG-b-938 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Gazelle League - Conditions of Employment |
1969–1972 |
PNG-b-939 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Gazelle League - Meetings |
1965–1972 |
PNG-b-939-1 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Gazelle League - Services Guide - 20 May 1972 |
1972 |
PNG-b-941 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Gazelle League - Office Building |
1966–1971 |
PNG-b-942 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Gazelle League - Rules |
1967 |
PNG-b-944 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - General |
1963–1973 |
PNG-b-947 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Instruction Leaflets |
1964–1965 |
PNG-b-948 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Instruction Leaflets |
1966–1968 |
PNG-b-949 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Instruction Manual - Registry Staff |
1970–1972 |
PNG-b-954 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Loans - General |
1965–1972 |
PNG-b-956 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Loans - Loans Survey - Part 1 |
1968 |
PNG-b-957 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Loans - Loans Survey - Part 2 |
1968 |
PNG-b-959 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Missions |
1965–1970 |
PNG-b-960 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Ordinances |
1961–1966 |
PNG-b-961 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Ordinances |
1967–1973 |
PNG-b-967 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Regulations |
1961–1970 |
PNG-b-968 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Registry Organisations |
1966–1971 |
PNG-b-969 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Rules |
1962–1970 |
PNG-b-970 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Savings Clubs |
1963–1972 |
PNG-b-971 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Savings and Loan News |
1966–1970 |
PNG-b-972 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Savloan Newsletter |
1964–1965 |
PNG-b-973 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Savloan Newsletter |
1965–1966 |
PNG-b-975 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Societies - Public Service Savings and Loan Society |
1967–1972 |
PNG-b-982 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Training - Senior Registry Officers' Seminar |
1969–1970 |
PNG-b-987 |
Papua New Guinea - Savings and Loan - Re-Organisation of Savings and Loan Scheme |
1972–1973 |
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-a-111 |
Papua New Guinea - Training of Field Officers |
1966 |
PNG-a-141 |
Papua New Guinea - Needs and Recruitment |
1954–1965 |
PNG-b-1044 |
Papua New Guinea - Staff - Classifications and Salaries |
1965–1970 |
PNG-b-1054 |
Papua New Guinea - Staff - Conditions of Service - Salaries |
1964–1970 |
PNG-b-1057 |
Papua New Guinea - Staff - Conditions of Service - Single Line Salary Structure |
1968–1972 |
PNG-b-1058 |
Papua New Guinea - Staff - Control of Port Moresby Office |
1966–1973 |
PNG-b-1078 |
Papua New Guinea - Staff - Organisation - Staff |
1963–1972 |
PNG-b-1199 |
Papua New Guinea - Staff - Reserve Bank Administration |
1965–1973 |
PNG-b-1334 |
Papua New Guinea - Staff - Seconded - General |
1960–1969 |
PNG-b-1343 |
Papua New Guinea - Staff - Staff Handbook |
1971–1973 |
PNG-b-1345 |
Papua New Guinea - Staff - Staffing Policy in P.N.G. |
1971–1973 |
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-a-98 |
Papua New Guinea - Loans - Statistics |
1964–1965 |
PNG-a-105 |
Papua New Guinea - Statistics - Extract of Society Monthly Statements |
1964–1965 |
PNG-b-1001 |
Papua New Guinea - Statistics - Banking - Savings Banks |
1954–1972 |
PNG-b-1002 |
Papua New Guinea - Statistics - Banking - Savings Banks |
1973 |
PNG-b-1025 |
Papua New Guinea - Statistics - Savings and Loan - General |
1964–1972 |
PNG-b-1026 |
Papua New Guinea - Statistics - Savings and Loan - General |
1972–1973 |
PNG-b-1028 |
Papua New Guinea - Statistics - Savings and Loans |
1968–1972 |
PNG-b-1029 |
Papua New Guinea - Statistics - Savings and Loan - Loans |
1972–1973 |
PNG-b-1030 |
Papua New Guinea - Statistics - Savings and Loan - Regional Distribution |
1965–1972 |
PNG-b-1031 |
Papua New Guinea - Statistics - Savings and Loan - Share Between Savings Banks |
1965–1972 |
PNG-b-1032 |
Papua New Guinea - Statistics - Savings and Loan - Statistical Summaries |
1972–1973 |
PNG-b-1037 |
Papua New Guinea - Statistics - Quarterly Statistical Bulletin |
1971 |
PNG-b-1038 |
Papua New Guinea - Statistics - Quarterly Statistical Bulletin |
1972 |
PNG-b-1039 |
Papua New Guinea - Statistics - Quarterly Statistical Bulletin |
1973 |
TPNG Committee
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-64-3 |
Papua New Guinea - T.P.N.G. Committee |
1960–1964 |
Transfer of Commonwealth Functions
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-b-473 |
Papua New Guinea - Meetings - Inter-Departmental Committee - Transfer of Commonwealth Functions |
1971 |
United Nations
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
PNG-a-88 |
Papua New Guinea - United Nations Organisation |
1963–1966 |
PNG-b-157 |
Papua New Guinea - Companies and Institutions - United Nations Organisation |
1968–1972 |
PNG-b-158 |
Papua New Guinea - Companies and Institutions - United Nations Organisation |
1973 |
PNG-b-159 |
Papua New Guinea - Companies and Institutions - United Nations Organisation - Visiting Missions |
1971 |
This material was released following consultation with Bank of Papua New Guinea.