Series Guide: Savings Bank of New South Wales
This series also contains mortgage documents from 1824, which pre-date the establishment of the Savings Bank and are thought to have come from the New South Wales Savings Bank, ‘Campbell’s Bank’. The earliest record in this series is a legal document dated 2 September 1824 for the release of 100 acres of land near present day Petersham in Sydney. This is the earliest record held by the Archives and one of 7 legal documents relating to the same parcel of land for the years 1824–37.
Description of series
The majority of the records in this series were created by the Savings Bank of New South Wales between 1832 and 1914. Included are records documenting the different types of business carried out by the Bank as well as handwritten copies of the Acts to establish the Savings Bank in New South Wales and Port Phillip during the period of 1832 to 1848. The series also includes ledgers and account information relating to the savings balances of convicts, known as prisoners in the records, and other notable colonial figures, such as artist Conrad Martens, explorer Ludwig Leichhardt, banker Robert Campbell and convict turned businesswoman, Mary Reibey. The variety of records gives an insight into the early economic and social life of the colony, from the 19th century to the 20th century.
The records in this series fall into 3 main categories:
Accounts – including indexes of depositors’ accounts, signature registers, pass books and transaction ledgers. The records relating to accounts include those held by prisoners and free settlers.
General banking business – including statements of accounts and balances, registers of cash received, trustee minute books, trustee papers, legislation, instruction books and staff records.
Mortgages – including legal documents, business transactions, and registers.
This series includes the earliest documents held by the Archives, 3 of which pre-date the Bank; mortgage records dated 2 September 1824, 9 February 1825, and 14 August 1832 for the release of 100 acres of land in the area surrounding current day Petersham in Sydney. There are 7 documents relating to the same parcel of land, for the dates 1824–37. The 3 earliest documents are believed to have come from the New South Wales Savings Bank (known more generally as Campbell’s Bank) when it was subsumed by the Savings Bank of New South Wales in 1832.
There are also a number of records that post-date the Savings Bank. The Government Savings Bank, and later the Commonwealth Bank, appears to have continued using the records for ongoing business purposes after the Savings Bank of New South Wales ceased to exist as a separate entity.
Biographical/historical notes
Early History
Prior to the establishment of a savings bank in the colony of New South Wales, many merchants were willing to accept deposits on which they allowed interest. One such merchant was Robert Campbell who, at his headquarters at Wharf House, Sydney Cove, accepted money for investment and safe keeping from settlers, on which he paid interest.
In 1817 Justice Barron Field arrived in Sydney to fill a role in the Supreme Court of Civil Judicature in NSW. He was interested in the savings bank movement in England and saw in Campbell’s bank a way of introducing it to the new colony, whereby existing deposits held by Campbell would be transferred to a new bank, pending approval from Governor Macquarie. A public meeting was held on 5 June 1819, the outcome of which was the establishment of the New South Wales Savings Bank. Campbell was appointed Secretary and Treasurer of the new bank, which commenced business in Sydney on 17 July 1819.
Campbell’s Bank
The initial success of the bank was slight. As commissioner of inquiry into the colony of New South Wales, John Thomas Bigge recommended in 1822 that convicts should be deprived of their money, which would be deposited in a bank and made available only as a reward for good conduct. The recommendation was adopted with enthusiasm by Governor Darling, who pursued the policy with such enthusiasm that deposits doubled from £2,088 in 1825 to £4,237 in 1826. By 1831 total deposits were £9,696. By 1832 ‘Campbell’s Bank’, as the bank become known to the public, had grown to such an extent that Governor Bourke considered it should become a public entity regulated by an Act of Parliament.
Establishment of Savings Bank
The Savings Bank of New South Wales was established by Bill, 2 William IV, No. 13, which passed on 9 March 1832. The Governor was to be president and management was to be vested in a board of 9 trustees. A loan of £100 was made by the colonial government to enable the trustees to commence operations. The Savings Bank opened for business on 18 August 1832, replacing the New South Wales Savings Bank (Campbell’s Bank). The Governor therefore directed Campbell to transfer all convict deposits to the newly created bank in due course. Free citizens were at first under no compulsion to transfer their savings, however in 1833 the balance of free settlers’ deposits was transferred to the new bank by order of the Governor and the New South Wales Savings Bank ceased operations.
In 1832 the business of the Port Stephens Savings Bank was transferred to the Savings Bank. The Port Stephens Savings Bank had been formed in 1830, designed for the benefit of employees of the Australian Agricultural Company. When the Savings Bank of New South Wales was formed, the Port Stephens Savings Bank offered to transfer its business. The offer was accepted and the transfer was complete by November 1832.
In August 1834 the original act was amended by Act 5, William IV, No. 16, which increased the number of trustees from 9 to 18. It also gave the trustees power to establish branches, which led to the opening of branches at Windsor, East Maitland, Bathurst and Parramatta in 1838.
The establishment of the Government Savings Bank of New South Wales in 1871 placed the two banks in direct competition for deposits, and amalgamation seemed inevitable. The first attempt at amalgamation was made in 1881 by the Colonial Treasurer, James Watson, however, the Bill was never presented and the matter lapsed. Over the next 3 decades a further 6 attempts to amalgamate the two banks proved unsuccessful.
The Commonwealth Bank Act 1911 provided for the establishment of a Savings Bank Department within the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. There would then be 3 separate savings banks competing for business in New South Wales.
The Savings Bank Amalgamation Act 1914 was passed providing for the dissolution of the Savings Bank of New South Wales and the vesting of its property in the Commissioners of the Government Savings Bank. The final meeting of the trustees was held in April 1914 and the Bank ceased to exist after 30 April 1914.
Arrangement description
The series is arranged by an Alpha Numeric numbering system, with the number ‘5’ representing the Savings Bank of New South Wales. Subsequent numbers and letters relate to the specific type of record, with for example ‘M’ relating to mortgage records, ‘P’ to premises and ‘6’ relating to receipts for payments.
Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1A-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - General Cash Book - payments and receipts - 1913-1914 |
1913–1914 |
5-1A-2-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - General Ledgers - Accounts - 1855-1863 |
1855–1863 |
5-1A-2-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - General Ledgers - Accounts - 1862-1872 |
1962–1872 |
5-1A-4-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Specimen Forms - Numbered 1-225, and including unnumbered forms, an incomplete series - c.1900 |
1900 |
5-1A-5-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Accounts for Payment - Accounts for payment and receipts as processed through the Charges Account - 1865-1905 |
1865–1905 |
5-1A-6-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Instructions & Procedures - Rules to be observed by the District Accountants of the various Branches. (3 copies) - c.1885 |
1885 |
5-1A-6-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Instructions & Procedures - Instructions issued to Branches and Head Office - c. 1910-1912 |
1910–1912 |
5-1A-6-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Instructions & Procedures - Reports to Managing Trustees by Auditors, Committees and Sub-Committees relating to improvements in procedures - 1911-1912 |
1911–1912 |
5-1A-6-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Instructions & Procedures - Papers read at Australian Savings Bank Conference relating to procedures - c.1910-1911 |
1910–1911 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Statements of Accounts and Balance Sheets
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1A-3-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Statements of Accounts and Balance Sheets - Statement of the Assets - 1854-1906 |
1854–1906 |
5-1A-3-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Statements of Accounts and Balance Sheets - Abstract of the Balance Sheet - 1858-1901 |
1858–1901 |
5-1A-3-3-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Statements of Accounts and Balance Sheets - Abstract of the Balance Sheet - 1858-1896 |
1858–1896 |
5-1A-3-3-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Statements of Accounts and Balance Sheets - Abstract of the Balance Sheet - 1897-1904 |
1897–1904 |
5-1A-3-3-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Statements of Accounts and Balance Sheets - Abstract of the Balance Sheet - 1905-1913 |
1905–1913 |
5-1A-3-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Statements of Accounts and Balance Sheets - Abstract of the Balance Sheet as at 31 December - 1832-1876 |
1832–1876 |
5-1A-3-5 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Statements of Accounts and Balance Sheets - Abstract of the Balance Sheet as at 31 December - 1877-1913 |
1877–1913 |
5-1A-3-6 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Statements of Accounts and Balance Sheets - Yearly Extracts from the Balance Sheets for the years ending 31st December - 1832-1913 |
1832–1913 |
5-1A-3-7 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Statements of Accounts and Balance Sheets - Comparative Statement of business figures relating to Charges Account, Mortgages, debentures, depositors etc. - 1887-1888 |
1887–1888 |
5-1A-3-8 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Statements of Accounts and Balance Sheets - Abstract of the Balances - Fortnightly - 1895-1901 |
1895–1901 |
5-1A-3-9-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Statements of Accounts and Balance Sheets - Accounts Summaries - Work List of Balance Sheets in Hand and Completed - 1832 - 1881 |
1832–1881 |
5-1A-3-9-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Statements of Accounts and Balance Sheets - Accounts Summaries - 1832 - 1903 |
1832–1903 |
5-1A-3-9-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Statements of Accounts and Balance Sheets - Accounts Summaries - Summaries of Interest Paid to Depositors - 1833 - 1881 |
1833–1881 |
5-1A-3-9-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Statements of Accounts and Balance Sheets - Accounts Summaries - Summaries of Payments from Depositors Payment Book - 1840 - 1854 |
1840–1854 |
5-1A-3-9-5 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Statements of Accounts and Balance Sheets - Accounts Summaries - Summaries of Cash Receipts - 1840 - 1846 |
1840–1846 |
5-1A-3-9-6 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Statements of Accounts and Balance Sheets - Accounts Summaries - Rough Working Papers - 1842 - 1880 |
1842–1880 |
5-1A-3-10 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Statements of Accounts and Balance Sheets - Statement showing cost of management - 1832-1881 |
1832–1881 |
5-1A-3-11 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Statements of Accounts and Balance Sheets - Comparative Statement of Savings Bank of NSW and Savings Bank in Victoria (1857-1864) and 1865 figures for Victoria - 1857-1865 |
1857–1865 |
5-1A-3-12 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Accountant's Department - Statements of Accounts and Balance Sheets - Annual Accounts - summaries, analysis and estimates - 1904-1914 |
1904–1914 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Branch and Inspector's Department - Reports upon Branches
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1B-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Branch and Inspector's Department - Reports upon Branches - No. 1 - 19 June 1869 - 30 Oct. 1879 |
1869–1879 |
5-1B-1-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Branch and Inspector's Department - Reports upon Branches - 19 Nov. 1879 - 24 July 1888 |
1879–1888 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Branch and Inspector's Department - Branch and Agency Lists
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1B-2-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Branch and Inspector's Department - Branch and Agency Lists - Branch List - 1912 |
1912 |
5-1B-2-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Branch and Inspector's Department - Branch and Agency Lists - Interstate Transfers - lists Savings Banks and Agencies in N.S.W., Vic., Qld, S.A., Tas., and W.A., incl. Bankers of branches - 1912 |
1912 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Mortgage Registers
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1M-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Mortgage Registers - Town Property - Summary compiled in 1852 showing date, mortgagor, advance, description and remarks - 1833-1852 |
1833–1852 |
5-1M-1-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Mortgage Registers - Town Property - (1833-1880) and Country Property (1837-1880) - 1833 - 1880 |
1833–1880 |
5-1M-1-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Mortgage Registers - Town Property - No's 1-681, re-written in 1879 - 1854 - 1881 |
1854–1881 |
5-1M-1-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Mortgage Registers - Town and Country Property - No's 1-1898, re-written in 1911 to include outstanding mortgages in A/N 5-1M-1-2 - 1853-1856 |
1853–1906 |
5-1M-1-5 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Mortgage Registers - Town and Country Property - No's 1900-3241, re-written in 1911 - 1906-1911 |
1906–1911 |
5-1M-1-6 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Mortgage Registers - Town and Country Property - No's 3243-3800 - 1911-1913 |
1911–1913 |
5-1M-1-7 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Mortgage Registers - Town and Country Property - No's 3801-4800 (No's 3801-3248 only used) - 1913-1914 |
1913–1914 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Mortgage Ledgers
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1M-2-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Mortgage Ledgers - City and Suburban Property (Indexed) - 1854-1868 |
1854–1868 |
5-1M-2-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Mortgage Ledgers - Country Property (Indexed) - 1854-1868 |
1854–1868 |
5-1M-2-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Mortgage Ledgers - Country Property (Indexed) - 1869-1884 |
1869–1884 |
5-1M-2-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Mortgage Ledgers - Country Property (Indexed) - 1884-1885 |
1884–1885 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Foreclosed Mortgages
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1M-3-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Foreclosed Mortgages - Mortgages Securities Sales Ledger (Indexed) - 1894-1913 |
1894–1899 |
5-1M-3-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Foreclosed Mortgages - Accounts. Foreclosed Mortgages - 1898 - 1899 |
1898–1899 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Mortgages Account
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1M-4-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Mortgages Account - 1868-1884 |
1868–1884 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Mortgages Cash Book
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1M-5-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Mortgages Cash Book (No.4) - 1912-1914 |
1912–1914 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1M-6-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - Release, James Underwood to George Miller - 9 & 10 February 1840 |
1840 |
5-1M-6-1-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - Release, Joseph Wyatt to George Miller, 16 & 17 December 1840 |
1840 |
5-1M-6-1-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - Appointment & Release, Matthias Hooper to George Miller - 21 March 1842 |
1835–1842 |
5-1M-6-1-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - Mortgage, George Miller to Archibald Little - 10 October 1844 |
1844 |
5-1M-6-1-5 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - Reconveyance, Archibald Little to George Miller - 29 September 1845 |
1845 |
5-1M-6-1-6 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - Appointment & Release, George Miller to John Fairbairn - 20 September 1845 |
1845 |
5-1M-6-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - Three documents relating to property - Samuel Peek and E. Clarke - 27 May to 7 October 1840 |
1840 |
5-1M-6-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - Two documents relating to Lot 7, Section 93, Parish of St. Phillip - 1841-1853 |
1841–1853 |
5-1M-6-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - Lease of Church & School Lands, John Reeve - 1842-1844 |
1842–1844 |
5-1M-6-5-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - Land Release, John Austin to Thomas Wylde - 2 September 1824 |
1824 |
5-1M-6-5-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - Power of Attorney, John Wylde to John Stephen and others - 9 February 1825 |
1825 |
5-1M-6-5-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - One Year Lease, Sir John Wylde to George John Rogers - 14 August 1832 |
1832 |
5-1M-6-5-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - One Year Lease, George John Rogers to Samuel Augustus Perry - 21 October 1835 |
1835 |
5-1M-6-5-5 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - Land Release, George John Rogers to Samuel Augustus Perry - 22 October 1835 |
1835 |
5-1M-6-5-6 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - Mortgage and Surrender, Samuel Augustus Perry to George John Rogers - 23 October 1835 |
1835–1837 |
5-1M-6-5-7 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - Mortgage and Surrender, Samuel Augustus Perry to the Savings Bank of New South Wales |
1837–1840 |
5-1M-6-6 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - Release, Robert Campbell to Thomas Baylis - 4 October 1836 |
1836 |
5-1M-6-7 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - Series of six documents relating to Lot 5, Section 80, Parish of St. Phillip - 1850-1856 |
1850–1856 |
5-1M-6-8 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - Settlement of Bank of Australia Shares, Catherine Meyrick to George Miller and another (Pieter Campbell) - 3 September 1839 |
1839 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1M-7-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - Customers' Correspondence - "A-Z" Miscellaneous - 1854 - 1914 |
1854–1914 |
5-1M-7-1-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - Abigail, J.W. - 1898 |
1898 |
5-1M-7-1-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - Betts, A.M. - 1878 - 1908 |
1878–1908 |
5-1M-7-1-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - Challice, Percy - 1900 |
1900 |
5-1M-7-1-5 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - Cummings, William - 1867 - 1875 |
1863–1875 |
5-1M-7-1-6 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - Evans, Irvine - 1899 |
1899 |
5-1M-7-1-7 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - Foulis, William - 1874 - 1878 |
1874–1878 |
5-1M-7-1-8 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - Hutchison, James - 1899 |
1899 |
5-1M-7-1-9 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - Jeanneret, C.F. - 1891 - 1899 |
1891–1899 |
5-1M-7-1-10 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - Jeffery, Joseph - 1905 - 1912 |
1905–1912 |
5-1M-7-1-11 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - Laverty, John - 1904 |
1904 |
5-1M-7-1-12 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - McAloon, Bernard - 1908 |
1908 |
5-1M-7-1-13 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - Osborne, O.L - 1899 |
1899 |
5-1M-7-1-14 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - Pratt, William - 1881 - 1900 |
1881–1900 |
5-1M-7-1-15 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - Scarr, Percy - 1895 - 1901 |
1895–1901 |
5-1M-7-1-16 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - Toohey, J.T - 1886 - 1897 |
1886–1897 |
5-1M-7-1-17 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - Wetherill, John - 1903 - 1904 |
1903–1904 |
5-1M-7-1-18 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - Wheatley, W.H. - 1904 |
1904 |
5-1M-7-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - Mortgagor's Receipts for Loans - 1876 - 1902 |
1876–1902 |
5-1M-7-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - Bank Receipts for Repayments - 1880 - 1900 |
1880–1900 |
5-1M-7-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - Sales of Customer's Properties - 1863 - 1904 |
1863–1904 |
5-1M-7-5 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - Rents on Customer's Properties - 1877 - 1895 |
1877–1895 |
5-1M-7-6 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - Interest, Taxes and Valuation - 1897 - 1899 |
1897–1899 |
5-1M-7-7 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Business Transactions - Loans Sanctioned and Accepted - 1914 |
1914 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Premises - Correspondence
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1P-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Premises - Correspondence - Head Office, Sydney - Alteration - 1878 |
1878 |
5-1P-1-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Premises - Correspondence - Bathurst Branch - Acquisition - 1867 |
1867 |
5-1P-1-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Premises - Correspondence - Southern Branch - Alterations - c.1885 |
1885 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustee Minute Books
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1S-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustee Minute Books - No. 1 - 1832-1855 |
1862–1855 |
5-1S-1-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustee Minute Books - No. 2 (Indexed) - 1856-1868 |
1856–1868 |
5-1S-1-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustee Minute Books - No. 3 (Indexed) - 1868-1876 |
1865–1876 |
5-1S-1-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustee Minute Books - No. 4 - 1876-1883 |
1876–1883 |
5-1S-1-5 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustee Minute Books - No. 5 - 1883-1888 |
1883–1888 |
5-1S-1-6 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustee Minute Books - No. 6 - 1889-1892 |
1889–1892 |
5-1S-1-7 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustee Minute Books - No. 7 - 1892-1894 |
1892–1894 |
5-1S-1-8 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustee Minute Books - No. 8 - 1894 -1897 |
1894–1897 |
5-1S-1-9 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustee Minute Books - No. 9 - 1897-1901 |
1897–1901 |
5-1S-1-10 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustee Minute Books - No. 10 - 1901-1903 |
1901–1903 |
5-1S-1-11 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustee Minute Books - No. 11 - 1903-1905 |
1903–1905 |
5-1S-1-12 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustee Minute Books - No. 12 - 1905-1906 |
1905–1906 |
5-1S-1-13 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustee Minute Books - No. 13 - 1906-1907 |
1906–1907 |
5-1S-1-14 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustee Minute Books - No. 14 - 1908-1909 |
1908–1909 |
5-1S-1-15 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustee Minute Books - No. 15 - 1909-1911 |
1909–1911 |
5-1S-1-16 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustee Minute Books - No. 16 - 1911-1912 |
1911–1912 |
5-1S-1-17 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustee Minute Books - No. 17 - 1912-1913 |
1912–1913 |
5-1S-1-18 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustee Minute Books - No. 18 - 1913-1914 |
1913–1914 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustee Business Papers (Agenda)
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1S-2-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustee Business Papers (Agenda) - Record of matters for discussion at meeting of Trustees with subsequent comments showing action taken - 1853 - 1858 |
1853–1858 |
5-1S-2-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustee Business Papers (Agenda) - Record of matters for discussion at meeting of Trustees with subsequent comments showing action taken - 1914 |
1914 |
5-1S-2-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustee Business Papers (Agenda) - Business Papers for meetings, including documents relating to the competitive design for new Southern Branch premises - 1900-1912 |
1900–1912 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Committees Records
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1S-3-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Committees Records - Business Papers (Agenda) of Committees and Sub-Committees - shows topics discussed and decisions taken - 1880 - 1900 |
1880–1900 |
5-1S-3-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Committees Records - Committee and Sub-Committee Reports to Trustees - 1878-1900 |
1878–1900 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - District Trustees Signature Register
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1S-4-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - District Trustees Signature Register - contains information relating to branch hours of business and opening of Lismore branch. (Indexed) - c. 1857-1902 |
1857–1902 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustees Papers
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1S-5-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustees Papers - Parliamentary question relating to Trustees asked by Mr. Abigail - 1880-1881 |
1880–1881 |
5-1S-5-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustees papers - Cuff, W.H. - Absence, application, correspondence and legal opinion relating to appointment of Acting Managing Trustee - 1883 |
1883 |
5-1S-5-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustees Papers - Dibbs, Sir George R. - Private Correspondence - 1896 |
1896 |
5-1S-5-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustees Papers - Dibbs, Sir George R. - General Index. Banking and Commercial Crisis - 1891-1893 |
1891–1893 |
5-1S-5-5 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustees Papers - Dick, Alexander - Resolutions to expand Bank's business - 1866 |
1866 |
5-1S-5-6 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustees Papers - Donaldson, Stuart Alexander - appointment - 1856 |
1856 |
5-1S-5-7 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustees Papers - Holt, Thomas - appointment - 1856 |
1856 |
5-1S-5-8 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustees Papers - Mitchell, David - Address at Centenary of Savings Bank, Edinburgh - 1910 |
1910 |
5-1S-5-9 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustees Papers - Mitchell, David - Amalgamation proposal - 1911 |
1911 |
5-1S-5-10-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustees Papers - Wise, Henry - Annual Report, 1883 - 1882 - 1884 |
1882–1884 |
5-1S-5-10-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustees Papers - Wise, Henry - General Correspondence - 1879 - 1891 |
1879–1891 |
5-1S-5-10-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustees Papers - Wise, Henry - General Office Papers - 1888 - 1893 |
1888–1893 |
5-1S-5-10-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustees Papers - Wise, Henry - Libel of Bank Trustees - Court Case - 1893 |
1893 |
5-1S-5-10-5 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustees Papers - Wise, Henry - Personal Service Papers - 1883 - 1890 |
1883–1890 |
5-1S-5-10-6 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustees Papers - Wise, Henry - Rules, Regulations and Legal Powers - 1878 - 1892 |
1878–1892 |
5-1S-5-10-7 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Trustees Papers - Wise, Henry - Staff Matters - 1889 |
1889 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Legislation and Regulations
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1S-6-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Legislation and Regulations - Handwritten book of Acts to establish the Savings Bank in N.S.W. & Port Phillip, includes consolidations and amending legislation. (Indexed) - 1832-1848 |
1832–1848 |
5-1S-6-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Legislation and Regulations - Savings Bank Consolidation Act - 1862 |
1862 |
5-1S-6-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Legislation and Regulations - Regulations - 1862 |
1862 |
5-1S-6-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Legislation and Regulations - Bill for amalgamation of Savings Bank of New South Wales with Government Savings Bank - 1880 |
1880 |
5-1S-6-5 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Legislation and Regulations - Bill for amalgamation of Savings Bank of New South Wales with Government Savings Bank - 1882 |
1882 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Letter Book
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1S-7-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Letter Book - Copies of official correspondence 1832-1833; 1850-1854 - 1832-1854 |
1832–1854 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Publications
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1S-8-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Publications - Lecture by Christopher Rolleston, Registrar General of NSW on the "History, Progress and Advantages of Savings Banks" on 22 September 1857 |
1857 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Reference Material
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1S-9-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Reference Material - Principal Rules of the Government Insurance and Annuity Office, and of the Post Office Savings Bank, U.K. - 1865 |
1865 |
5-1S-9-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Reference Material - Form of Notice to be given by persons claiming payment of the balance due to deceased Savings Banks Depositors - Colony of Victoria - c. 1860 |
1862 |
5-1S-9-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Reference Material - The Savings Bank Statute 1865, Victoria - 1865 |
1865 |
5-1S-9-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Reference Material - Statements and Returns for the years ended 30 June 1864, 1865 for Savings Banks, Victoria - 1864-1865 |
1864–1865 |
5-1S-9-5 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Secretarial - Reference Material - Progress and final report from the Select Committee on Post Office Savings Bank - 1892-1893 |
1892–1893 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Service Registers and Lists
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1ST-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Service Registers and Lists - Service Register of Officers - 1832-1899 |
1832–1899 |
5-1ST-1-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Service Registers and Lists - Service Register of Officers - 1852-1914 |
1852–1914 |
5-1ST-1-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Service Registers and Lists - Lists of Officers - includes salaries, dates of appointments, position, duties, fidelity bond, sureties - 1870, 1874, 1875, 1878, 1888, 1895, 1914 - 1870-1914 |
1870–1914 |
5-1ST-1-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Service Registers and Lists - Lists of branches with Accountants' names - 1912 |
1912 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Attendance Book
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1ST-2-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Attendance Book - 1867-1869 |
1867–1869 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Applications for Employment
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1ST-3-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Applications for Employment - Bremer, A.J. - 1913 |
1913 |
5-1ST-3-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Applications for Employment - Dodds, H.C. - 1913 |
1913 |
5-1ST-3-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Applications for Employment - Gardyne, Dudley - 1913 |
1913 |
5-1ST-3-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Applications for Employment - Horsey, John - 1913 |
1913 |
5-1ST-3-5 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Applications for Employment - Olsson, Reuben - 1913 |
1913 |
5-1ST-3-6 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Applications for Employment - Patterson, S.C. - 1913 |
1913 |
5-1ST-3-7 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Applications for Employment - Swanson, J.F. - 1911-1912 |
1911–1912 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Salaries
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1ST-4-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Salaries - Abstract of Salaries Paid (Pay Sheet) for quarters ended 31 December 1857 - 31 March 1865 (excluding 31 December 1862) - 1857-1865 |
1857–1865 |
5-1ST-4-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Salaries - Salaries Comparison with other Banks Managers and Accountants - includes percentage increase in salaries over period - 1848-1865 |
1848–1865 |
5-1ST-4-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Salaries - Receipts and Payment Advices for Salaries paid to officers - 1866 - 1881 |
1866–1881 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Officers' Provident Fund
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1ST-5-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Officers' Provident Fund - Rules approved by the Trustees, for Management and Control of the Fund - 1910 |
1910 |
5-1ST-5-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Officers' Provident Fund - Funded Stock Certificates and Transfers - 1911-1913 |
1911–1913 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Administrative Papers
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1ST-6-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Administrative Papers - Leave Rosters - 1910-1911 |
1910–1911 |
5-1ST-6-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Administrative Papers - Amalgamation Arrangements - c. 1914 |
1914 |
5-1ST-6-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Administrative Papers - Messenger's Duties - 1906 |
1906 |
5-1ST-6-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Administrative Papers - Vaccination of Officers - 1913 |
1913 |
5-1ST-6-5 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Staff - Administrative Papers - Testimonial Funds - Managing Trustee's retirement (1914) and jubilee (1912); & Vice President's retirement (1912) - 1912-1914 |
1912–1914 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - No. 1 Accounts 1-553 - Depositors, General, Mortgages, Prisoners, Ships (Indexed) - 1832-1842 |
1835–1842 |
5-1-1-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - No. 2 Accounts 554-1260 - Depositors, General, Mortgages, Prisoners, Ships - 1834-1842 |
1834–1842 |
5-1-1-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - No. 3 Accounts 1261-1894 - Depositors, Mortgages, Prisoners, Ships - 1836-1844 |
1836–1844 |
5-1-1-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - No. 4 Accounts - 1895-2575 - Depositors, Mortgages, Prisoners, Ships - 1837-1844 |
1837–1844 |
5-1-1-5 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - No. 5 Accounts - 2576-3348 - Depositors, Mortgages, Prisoners, Ships - 1838-1844 |
1838–1844 |
5-1-1-6 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - No. 6 Accounts - 3349-4084 - Depositors, Mortgages, Prisoners, Ships - 1839-1844 |
1839–1844 |
5-1-1-7 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - No. 7 Accounts - General, Mortgages, Prisoners, Ships - 1839-1866 |
1839–1866 |
5-1-1-8 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - No. 8 Accounts - 4085-4853 - Depositors, Prisoners, Ships - 1839-1844 |
1839–1844 |
5-1-1-9 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - No. 9 Accounts 2921-3828 Depositors (Continuation) (1839-1848) 4784-5551 Depositors (1840-1848) Prisoners (1849-1853), Intestate Estates, etc. (1840-1856) - 1839 - 1856 |
1839–1856 |
5-1-1-10 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - No. 10 Accounts - 4856-5623 - Depositors - 1840-1845 |
1840–1845 |
5-1-1-11 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - No. 11 Accounts - 5624-6436 - Depositors - 1840-1845 |
1840–1845 |
5-1-1-12 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - No. 12 Accounts - 6437-7214 - Depositors - 1841-1845 |
1841–1845 |
5-1-1-13 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - No. 13 Accounts - 7215-8086 - Depositors - 1841-1845 |
1841–1845 |
5-1-1-14 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - No. 13 Accounts - 2-1891 - Depositors (Continuation, Indexed) - 1842-1844 |
1842–1844 |
5-1-1-15 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - No. 13 Accounts - 2-6431 - Depositors (Continuation) - 1845-1857 |
1845–1857 |
5-1-1-16 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - No. 13 Accounts - 6437-11793 - 1846-1857 |
1846–1857 |
5-1-1-17 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - No. 13 - General, Mortgages - 1847-1854 |
1847–1854 |
5-1-1-18 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - No. 13 - Ships, Prisoners (Indexed) - 1867-1871 |
1867–1871 |
5-1-1-19 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - No. 13 Accounts - Prisoners (1833-1843), Ships (1832-1867), 1-283 Bathurst Depositors (1838-1852), 1-26 Penrith Depositors (1841-1870) - 1833-1870 |
1832–1870 |
5-1-1-20 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - No. 13 Accounts - 301-400 - Newcastle Depositors - 1862 |
1862 |
5-1-1-21 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - No. 1 Accounts - 4-633 - Newcastle Depositors (incl. Continuation) - 1863-1875 |
1863–1875 |
5-1-1-22 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - No. 2 Accounts - 634-1250 - Newcastle Depositors - 1864-1875 |
1864–1875 |
5-1-1-23 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - No. 4 Accounts - 1853-3341 - Newcastle Depositors - 1870-1875 |
1870–1875 |
5-1-1-24 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - Accounts 1-47 - Orange Depositors - 1858-1862 |
1858–1862 |
5-1-1-25 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - Accounts 1-127 - Scone Depositors - 1858-1862 |
1858–1862 |
5-1-1-26 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - Accounts - 1-394 - Windsor Depositors (1838-1851) 1-20 Singleton Depositors (1850-1851) - 1838 -1851 |
1838–1851 |
5-1-1-27 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - Accounts 3-977 - Windsor Depositors (incl. Continuation) - 1852-1862 |
1852–1862 |
5-1-1-28 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - Accounts 1-309 Wollongong Depositors (1856-1862) 1-300 Newcastle Depositors (1858-1862) 1-135 Sofala Depositors (1856-1862) |
1856–1862 |
5-1-1-29 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - Accounts - 600-1077 Wollongong Depositors - 1866-1886 |
1866–1886 |
5-1-1-30 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers - Accounts 1078-2303 - Wollongong Depositors - 1871-1886 |
1871–1886 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1-2-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts - 1-2156 |
1832–1838 |
5-1-2-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts - 2157-8052 - 1838-1842 |
1838–1842 |
5-1-2-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts - 8053-15260 - 1842-1846 |
1842–1846 |
5-1-2-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts - 15261 - 21999 - 1846-1850 |
1846–1850 |
5-1-2-5 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts - 22000-28923 - 1850-1852 |
1850–1852 |
5-1-2-6 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts - 28924-36136 - 1852-1854 |
1852–1854 |
5-1-2-7 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts - 36137 - 40948 - 1854-1855 |
1854–1855 |
5-1-2-8 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 40949-44679 - 1855-1857 |
1855–1857 |
5-1-2-9 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts - 44680-53465 - 1857-1859 |
1857–1859 |
5-1-2-10 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts - 53466-63330 - 1860-1862 |
1860–1862 |
5-1-2-11 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts - 63331-77379 - 1862-1865 |
1862–1865 |
5-1-2-12 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 77380-91247 - 1865-1868 |
1865–1868 |
5-1-2-13 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts - 91248-99551 - 1868-1870 |
1868–-1870 |
5-1-2-14 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 99552-110000 - 1870-1872 |
1870–1872 |
5-1-2-15 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 110001-120000 - 1872-1875 |
1872–1875 |
5-1-2-16 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 120001-130560 - 1875-1877 |
1875–1877 |
5-1-2-17 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 130561-140208 - 1877-1879 |
1877–1879 |
5-1-2-18 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 140209-150000 - 1879-1880 |
1879–1880 |
5-1-2-19 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 150001-160120 - 1880-1882 |
1880–1882 |
5-1-2-20 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 160121-170262 - 1882-1883 |
1822–1883 |
5-1-2-21 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 170263-180000 - 1883-1884 |
1883–1884 |
5-1-2-22 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 180001-190000 - 1884-1886 |
1884–1886 |
5-1-2-23 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 190001-200000 - 1886-1887 |
1886–1887 |
5-1-2-24 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 200001-210000 - 1887-1888 |
1887–1888 |
5-1-2-25 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 210001-220000 - 1888-1889 |
1888–1889 |
5-1-2-26 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 220001-230000 - 1889-1890 |
1889–1890 |
5-1-2-27 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 230001-240000 - 1890-1891 |
1890–1891 |
5-1-2-28 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 240001-250000 - 1891-1892 |
1891–1892 |
5-1-2-29 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 250001-260000 - 1892-1895 |
1892–1893 |
5-1-2-30 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 260001-270000 - 1893-1895 |
1893–1895 |
5-1-2-31 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 270001-280000 - 1895-1896 |
1895–1896 |
5-1-2-32 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 280001-290000 - 1896-1897 |
1896–1987 |
5-1-2-33 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 290001-300000 - 1897-1898 |
1897–1898 |
5-1-2-34 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 300001-310000 - 1898-1899 |
1898–1899 |
5-1-2-35 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 310001-320000 - 1899-1901 |
1899–1901 |
5-1-2-36 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 320001-330000 - 1901 |
1901 |
5-1-2-37 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 330001 -340000 - 1901-1902 |
1901–1902 |
5-1-2-38 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 340001-350000 - 1902-1904 |
1902–1904 |
5-1-2-39 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 350001-360000 - 1904-1905 |
1904–1905 |
5-1-2-40 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 360001-370000 - 1905-1906 |
1905–1906 |
5-1-2-41 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 370001-380000 - 1906-1907 |
1906–1907 |
5-1-2-42 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 380001-390000 - 1907-1908 |
1907–1908 |
5-1-2-43 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 390001-400000 - 1908-1909 |
1908–1909 |
5-1-2-44 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 400001-410000 - 1909-1910 |
1909–1910 |
5-1-2-45 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 410000-420000 - 1910-1911 |
1910–1911 |
5-1-2-46 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 420001-430000 - 1911-1912 |
1911–1912 |
5-1-2-47 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 430001-440000 - 1912-1913 |
1912–1913 |
5-1-2-48 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 440001-448000 - 1913-1914 |
1913–1914 |
5-1-2-49 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Accounts 448001-454000 - 1914-1923 |
1914–1923 |
5-1-2-50 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Society Trustees (Indexed) (Amended to 1932) - 1845-1895 |
1845–1895 |
5-1-2-51 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Society Trustees (Indexed) (Amended to 1931) - 1895-1908 |
1895–1908 |
5-1-2-52 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Society Trustees (Indexed) (Amended to 1932 includes accounts opened by G.S.B. of N.S.W. 1914-1930) - 1908-1930 |
1908–1930 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Indexes of Depositors Accounts
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1-3-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Indexes of operative accounts as at 1906. (Includes accounts opened by G.S.B. of N.S.W. 1914-1931) - "A-B" - 1906-1931 |
1906–1931 |
5-1-3-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Indexes of operative accounts as at 1906. (Includes accounts opened by G.S.B. of N.S.W. 1914-1931) - "C-D" - 1906-1931 |
1906–1931 |
5-1-3-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Indexes of operative accounts as at 1906. (Includes accounts opened by G.S.B. of N.S.W. 1914-1931) - "E-G" - 1906-1931 |
1906–1931 |
5-1-3-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Indexes of operative accounts as at 1906. (Includes accounts opened by G.S.B. of N.S.W. 1914-1931) - "H-K" - 1906-1931 |
1906–1931 |
5-1-3-5 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Indexes of operative accounts as at 1906. (Includes accounts opened by G.S.B. of N.S.W. 1914-1931) - "L-M" - 1906-1931 |
1906–1931 |
5-1-3-6 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Indexes of operative accounts as at 1906. (Includes accounts opened by G.S.B. of N.S.W. 1914-1931) - "Mc-Q" - 1906-1931 |
1906–1931 |
5-1-3-7 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Indexes of operative accounts as at 1906. (Includes accounts opened by G.S.B. of N.S.W. 1914-1931) - "R-S" - 1906-1931 |
1906–1931 |
5-1-3-8 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Indexes of operative accounts as at 1906. (Includes accounts opened by G.S.B. of N.S.W. 1914-1931) - "T-Z" - 1906-1931 |
1906–1931 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Registers of Cash Received
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1-4-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Registers of Cash Received - Daily - 1832-1839 |
1832–1839 |
5-1-4-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Registers of Cash Received - Monthly - 1832-1840 |
1832–1940 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Journal
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1-5-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Journal - 1832-1838 |
1832–1838 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Receipts for Payments Registers
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1-6-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Receipts for Payments Registers - Register - 1835-1837 |
1835–1837 |
5-1-6-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Receipts for Payments Registers - Register - 1839-1840 |
1839–1840 |
5-1-6-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Receipts for Payments Registers - Register - 1841 |
1841 |
5-1-6-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Receipts for Payments Registers - Register - 1841-1842 |
1841–1842 |
5-1-6-5 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Receipts for Payments Registers - Register - 1842-1843 |
1842–1843 |
5-1-6-6 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Receipts for Payments Registers - Register - loose pages - 1866 |
1866–1867 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Withdrawal Orders
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1-7-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Withdrawal Orders (8 examples) - 1893-1914 |
1893–1914 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Deposit Vouchers
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1-8-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Deposit Voucher - No. 818 Manning, Richard M. - 1843 |
1843 |
5-1-8-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Deposit Voucher - No. 12563 Fowler, Elizabeth - 1850 |
1850 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Pass Books
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1-9-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Pass Books - No. 282672 Lumley, Herbert - 1896-1906 |
1896–1906 |
5-1-9-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Pass Books - No. 286813 Hazelwood, Mary W. - 1897-1930 |
1897–1930 |
5-1-9-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Pass Books - No. 369600 Dalby, Althea Goldie - 1906-1908 |
1906–1908 |
5-1-9-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Pass Books - No. 385715 Kemp, Frank B. - 1908-1924 |
1908–1924 |
5-1-9-5 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Pass Books - No. 395375 O'Connor, Arthur H. - 1909-1922 |
1909–1922 |
5-1-9-6 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Pass Books - No. 453661 Bates, Harold Matthewes - 1922-1926 |
1922–1926 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Business Working Papers
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1-10-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Business Working Papers - Return of Convicts Balances 1833 - 1856, for ships arriving in the Colony between 1826 - 1840 |
1826–1840 |
5-1-10-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Business Working Papers - Interest calculations of depositors accounts - 1902 |
1901–1902 |
5-1-10-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Business Working Papers - Calculation of interest work sheet - 1901 |
1901 |
5-1-10-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Ledgers progress sheet for annual balance - 1901 |
1901 |
5-1-10-5 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Business Working Papers - "Memorandum of Pass Books Exchange" - 1867 |
1867 |
5-1-10-6 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Business Working Papers - Annual Inspection of Pass Books - 1909 |
1909 |
5-1-10-7 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Business Working Papers - Unclaimed Balances for Accounts opened 1871-1880, and as at 1895 - 1871-1895 |
1871–1895 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Customers Correspondence
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1-11-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Customers Correspondence - Letters from various relating to account transactions - 1849-1877 |
1849–1877 |
Sydney (Head Office) - Register of Unclaimed Pass Books (Indexed)
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-1-14-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Register of Unclaimed Pass Books (Indexed) - 1884-1932 |
1884–1932 |
Branch - Albury
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-2-2-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Albury - Signature Register - Accounts 1-4000 (Accounts 1-846 only opened) - 1908-1927 |
1908–1927 |
Branch - Balmain
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-3-2-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Balmain - Signature Registers - Accounts 1-5016 - 1902-1909 |
1902–1909 |
5-3-2-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Balmain - Signature Registers - Accounts 5017-10560 (Accounts 5017-8998 only opened) - 1909-1931 |
1909–1931 |
5-3-3-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Balmain - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Ledger 1 - "A-Z" - 1902-1905 |
1902–1905 |
5-3-3-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Balmain - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Ledger A - "A-Z" - 1902-1908 |
1902–1908 |
Branch - Bathurst
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-4-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Bathurst - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 10-1156 (incl. Continuation) - 1863-1876 |
1863–1876 |
5-4-1-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Bathurst - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 2160-3163 - 1874-1901 |
1874–1901 |
5-4-2-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Bathurst - Signature Registers - Accounts 1-4080 - 1838-1886 |
1838–1886 |
5-4-2-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Bathurst - Signature Registers - Accounts 4081-8556 - 1886-1910 |
1886–1910 |
5-4-2-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Bathurst - Signature Registers - Accounts 8557-9841 - 1911-1935 |
1911–1935 |
5-4-9-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Bathurst - Pass Book - No. B 6141 Wiburd, Horace - 1898-1923 |
1898–1923 |
Branch - Clarence Town
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-5-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Clarence Town - Depositors Ledger - Accounts 1-273 (Indexed) - 1858-1874 |
1858–1874 |
Branch - Cooma
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-6-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Cooma - Depositors Ledger - Accounts 1-18 - 1858-1870 |
1858–1870 |
Branch - East Maitland
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-7-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - East Maitland - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 209-572 (Indexed, incl. Continuation) - 1851-1859 |
1851–1859 |
5-7-1-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - East Maitland - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 237-909 (Indexed, incl. Continuation) - 1856-1859 |
1856–1859 |
5-7-2-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - East Maitland - Signature Registers - Accounts 791-3063 - 1857-c.1900 |
1857–1900 |
5-7-2-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - East Maitland - Signature Registers - Accounts 3064-7103 (Accounts 3064-4372 only opened) - c. 1900 - 1922 |
1900–1922 |
5-7-2-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - East Maitland - Signature Registers - Society Trustees (Indexed) - 1890-1922 |
1890–1922 |
5-7-2-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - East Maitland - Signature Registers - Transfer Signatures (Indexed) - 1912-1931 |
1912–1931 |
5-7-4-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - East Maitland - Cash Receipts and Payments Register - 1838-1841 |
1838–1841 |
Branch - Goulburn
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-8-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Goulburn - Depositors Ledger - Accounts 10-1734 (Continuation) - 1876-1897 |
1876–1897 |
5-8-2-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Goulburn - Signature Registers - Accounts 1480-6119 - 1872-1897 |
1872–1897 |
5-8-2-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Goulburn - Signature Registers - Accounts 6120-9351 - 1897-1913 |
1897–1913 |
5-8-2-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Goulburn - Signature Registers - Accounts 9352-12000 (Accounts 9352-9865 only opened) - 1913-1931 |
1913–1931 |
5-8-6-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Goulburn - Receipts for Payments Register - 1839-1864 |
1839–1864 |
Branch - Grafton
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-9-2-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Grafton - Signature Register - Accounts 1-8268 (Accounts 1-7670 only opened) - 1864-1932 |
1864–1932 |
Branch - Leichhardt
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-10-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Leichhardt - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 1-2000 - 1911-1915 |
1911–1915 |
5-10-1-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Leichhardt - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 2001-4000 (Accounts 2001-3052 only opened) - 1913-1915 |
1913–1915 |
5-10-2-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Leichhardt - Signature Register - Accounts 1-5520 (Accounts 1-3155 only opened) - 1911-1927 |
1911–1927 |
5-10-3-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Leichhardt - Index of Depositors Accounts - "A-Z" - 1911-1913 |
1911–1913 |
Branch - Lithgow
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-11-2-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Lithgow - Signature Register - Accounts 1-4000 (Accounts 1-1861 only opened) - 1905-1930 |
1905–1930 |
Branch - Mudgee
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-12-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Mudgee - Depositors Ledger - Accounts - 2583-3577 (Accounts 2583-3533 only opened) - 1906-1932 |
1906–1932 |
Branch - Newcastle
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-13-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Newcastle - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 1-519 (Indexed) - 1858-1871 |
1858–1871 |
5-13-1-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Newcastle - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 1521-2265 - 1869-1880 |
1869–1880 |
5-13-1-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Newcastle - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 2266-3459 - 1871-1880 |
1871–1880 |
Branch - Orange
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-14-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Orange - Depositors Ledger - Accounts 1-296 (Indexed) - 1858-1872 |
1858–1872 |
Branch - Oxford St, Sydney
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-15-12-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Oxford St., Sydney - Letter Book (Indexed) - 1908-1914 |
1908–1914 |
Branch - Parramatta
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-16-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Parramatta - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 1-454 - 1838-1851 |
1838–1851 |
5-16-1-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Parramatta - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 9-1014 (incl. Continuation) - 1852-1862 |
1852–1862 |
5-16-1-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Parramatta - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 19-1911 (incl. Continuation) - 1861 - 1871 |
1861–1871 |
5-16-1-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Parramatta - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 19-2447 (Continuation) - 1880-1889 |
1880–1889 |
5-16-2-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Parramatta - Signature Registers - Accounts 1-2570 - 1838-1872 |
1838–1872 |
5-16-2-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Parramatta - Signature Registers - Accounts 2571-7295 - 1872-1903 |
1872–1903 |
5-16-2-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Parramatta - Signature Registers - Accounts - 7296-13000 - 1903-1914 |
1903–1914 |
5-16-2-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Parramatta - Signature Registers - 13001-19000 (Accounts 13001-13275 only opened) - 1914-1931 |
1914–1931 |
5-16-2-5 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Parramatta - Signature Registers - Society Trustees (Indexed) - 1864-1930 |
1864–1930 |
5-16-3-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Parramatta - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Accounts 19-2960 - 1838-1875 |
1838–1875 |
5-16-3-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Parramatta - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Accounts 19-3994 - 1838-1882 |
1838–1882 |
5-16-3-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Parramatta - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Accounts 3995-5000 - 1882-1887 |
1882–1887 |
5-16-3-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Parramatta - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Accounts 5001-6000 - 1887-1894 |
1887–1894 |
5-16-3-5 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Parramatta - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Accounts 6001-7000 - 1894-1901 |
1894–1901 |
5-16-3-6 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Parramatta - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Accounts 7001-8000 - 1901-1904 |
1901–1904 |
5-16-3-7 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Parramatta - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Accounts 8001-9000 - 1904-1907 |
1904–1907 |
5-16-3-8 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Parramatta - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Accounts 9001-10000 - 1907-1908 |
1907–1908 |
5-16-3-9 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Parramatta - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Accounts 10001-12000 - 1908-1912 |
1908–1912 |
5-16-3-10 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Parramatta - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Accounts 12001-13216 - 1912-1922 |
1912–1922 |
5-16-3-11 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Parramatta - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Accounts 19-7998 - 1838-1904 |
1838–1904 |
5-16-3-12 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Parramatta - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Accounts 19-13274 - 1838-1931 |
1838–1931 |
5-16-4-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Parramatta - Deposit Book - 1838-1856 |
1838–1856 |
5-16-10-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Parramatta - Business Working Papers - Annual Balance for the years ended 31 December - 1862-1863 |
1862–1863 |
Branch - Scone
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-17-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Scone - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 1 - 425 - 1858-1871 |
1858–1871 |
5-17-1-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Scone - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 4-1118 (incl. Continuation) - 1872-1892 |
1872–1892 |
5-17-1-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Scone - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 79-1484 (incl. Continuation) - 1892-1902 |
1892–1902 |
5-17-1-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Scone - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 79-2127 (incl. Continuation) - 1902-1915 |
1902–1915 |
5-17-1-5 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Scone - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 281-2462 (incl. Continuation) - 1912-1932 |
1912–1932 |
5-17-2-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Scone - Signature Registers - Accounts 1-2462 - 1858-1921 |
1858–1921 |
5-17-2-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Scone - Signature Registers - Society Trustees (Indexed) - 1875-1929 |
1875–1929 |
5-17-2-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Scone - Signature Registers - Transfer Signatures (Indexed) - 1912-1931 |
1912–1931 |
5-17-4-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Scone - Receipts from Depositors Register - 1858-1890 |
1858–1890 |
5-17-6-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Scone - Receipts for Payments Registers - 1859-1873 |
1859–1873 |
5-17-6-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Scone - Receipts for Payments Registers - 1873-1890 |
1873–1890 |
5-17-6-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Scone - Receipts of Payments Registers - 1890-1898 |
1890–1898 |
5-17-13-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Scone - District Trustees Books - Includes information relating to district trustees service, office procedures and postages and petty cash accounts - 1879-1884 |
1879–1884 |
5-17-13-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Scone - District Trustees Books - Includes information relating to district trustees service, office procedures and postages and petty cash accounts - 1884-1888 |
1884–1888 |
5-17-13-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Scone - District Trustees Books - Includes information relating to district trustees service, office procedures and postages and petty cash accounts - 1884-1893 |
1884–1893 |
5-17-13-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Scone - District Trustees Books - Includes information relating to district trustees service, office procedures and postages and petty cash accounts - 1893-1897 |
1893–1897 |
5-17-13-5 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Scone - District Trustees Books - Includes information relating to district trustees service, office procedures and postages and petty cash accounts - 1897-1900 |
1897–1900 |
5-17-13-6 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Scone - District Trustees Books - Includes information relating to district trustees service, office procedures and postages and petty cash accounts - 1900-1902 |
1900–1902 |
Branch - Singleton
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-18-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Singleton - Depositors Ledger - Accounts 700-1518 - 1872-1887 |
1872–1887 |
5-18-2-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Singleton - Signature Register - Accounts 800-4891 (Accounts 800-4369 only opened) - 1873-1929 |
1873–1929 |
Branch - Sofala
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-19-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sofala - Depositors Ledger - Accounts 1-197 - 1856-1870 |
1856–1870 |
5-19-8-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sofala - Depositors Vouchers - No. 48 Souter, Thomas - 1859 |
1859–1860 |
5-19-8-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sofala - Depositors Vouchers - No. 61 Taylor, James - 1859 |
1859–1860 |
5-19-8-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sofala - Depositors Vouchers - No. 84 Taylor, Ann - 1859 |
1859–1860 |
5-19-8-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sofala - Depositors Vouchers - No. 85 Dawson, George William - 1859-1860 |
1859–1860 |
Branch - Southern
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-20-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Southern - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 1-1000 - 1868-1877 |
1868–1877 |
5-20-1-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Southern - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 1001-2000 - 1869-1877 |
1869–1877 |
5-20-2-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Southern - Signature Register - Accounts 1-13800 - 1868-1878 |
1868–1878 |
5-20-9-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Southern - Pass Book - No. 5490 Morris, Caleb James - 1873-1889 |
1873–1889 |
5-20-10-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Southern - Business Working Papers - Unclaimed Balances for Accounts opened - 1884-1889 |
1884–1894 |
Branch - Tamworth
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-21-2-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Tamworth - Signature Register - Accounts 1-4000 (Accounts 1-1142 only opened) - 1907-1931 |
1907–1931 |
Branch - West Maitland
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-22-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - West Maitland - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 1 - 654 - 1857-1862 |
1857–1862 |
5-22-1-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - West Maitland - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 655-837 - 1862 |
1862 |
5-22-1-3 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - West Maitland - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 1825-2996 - 1869-1875 |
1867–1875 |
5-22-1-4 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - West Maitland - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 60-2446 (Continuation). (p. 14 contains rules of the West Maitland Penny Bank est. 1861) - 1880-1902 |
1880–1902 |
Branch - Windsor
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-23-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Windsor - Depositors Ledgers - Accounts 1-209 (Indexed) - 1838-1842 |
1838–1842 |
5-23-2-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Windsor - Signature Register - Accounts 1-4370 - 1838-1904 |
1838–1904 |
5-23-4-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Windsor - Cash Books - 1838-1851 |
1838–1851 |
5-23-4-2 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Windsor - Cash Books - 1852-1865 |
1852–1865 |
Branch - Wollongong
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-24-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Wollongong - Depositors Ledger - Accounts 3-1593 (incl. Continuation) - 1866-1878 |
1866–1878 |
5-24-2-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Wollongong - Signature Register - Society Authorities - 1877-1878 |
1877–1878 |
5-24-11-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - Wollongong - Customers Correspondence - Deceased Depositor - Mary Stewart - 1877 |
1877 |
Branch - North Sydney
Accession Number |
Description |
Date Range |
5-25-1-1 |
Savings Bank of New South Wales - North Sydney - Depositors Ledger - Accounts 6001 - 6946 - 1913 to 1932 and Accounts 40 - 5989 ( Continuation ) - 1926 to 1932 |
1913–1932 |