Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1951 - May 1952 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959
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[...]ectronically Title: Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1951 - May 1952 (monthly) -[...]- Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1951 - May 1952 (monthly) - 1951 -[...] | |
[...]Page fotrocluci11g the New Staff Magazine 1 ::[...]HE The New Staff Magazine FRIGATE BIRD II Ca[Jtain Taylor's Trail-[...]C.S.R. Solte.~ " Problem 11 thi~ new Magazine. Its aim will he to keep you better[...] | |
[...]STAFF TO NAME MAGAZINE All members of the staff and departments of[...]tters requesting informa- name for the new magazine. Suggestions should be forwardetl tion, or[...] | |
[...]osford. lished in the "Monthly Staff Magazine." Goodwin, N. J., King's Cross.[...] | |
[...]N this, the second issue of your Monthly StafI Magazine, PREMISES 10 the[...]and expect from your monthly staff magazine. WHEEL OF FORTUNE It is YOUR magazine, and with your interest and The Slings and A[...]your fellow officers through the columns of your magazine, SWOT?[...] | |
[...]M' Y as assistant editor of your magazine to matters of a confidential nature[...] | |
[...]1, 1951 WE T\KE \ \l\lE Currency Gets It "E\\ WORDS FOR OLD Th,. Grou·t[...]rhrn,en ha;,, many ronnola tiom with the Currency'.~ A «le., 11[...] | |
[...]to inflationary ten- national currency of the country Rural Bank a copy of th[...]their parts like Hollywood stars. currency for the credit of an register, a[...] | |
[...]i ictoria to tall Magazine's Victorian 1\1or"ell yard, ewry[...] | |
[...]Staff Magazine Representatives and upon hi, rPturn to[...] | |
[...]ssity to conserve .~pace. for a magazine which should fill a long- off the map[...]ntly a t·ertain ju,t the thing for thi, magazine. \lore January, 1928. amount of pa[...], and 11resident of the any more'! . . . The new magazine is a[...]interest. I feel . . . that the magazine and when war broke out he \\US call[...]up for active service on Seplembl'r 1, magazine. I am ,ure it will develop and inform[...]ignals, B.C.O.F. of keeping with the rest of the magazine, as against helpful advice . . .[...] | |
[...]has forgotten her June issue of Staff Magazine; and in a dither she pulls the chip[...] | |
[...]thi,- )Car reaches you through the monthl) staff magazine, :,ince that puh lication i,- de,-igned to[...] | |
[...]expression on Bank matters, a ne\\ monthly staff magazine, C1.,RRE"!C'\', was established as a compa[...] | |
[...]I ",/ than 700 ne\\spaper,, magazine, and periodicals.[...] | |
[...]would be of (in eptember issue of "Currency") for general interest. I have searched va[...] | |
[...]history is made, and "Currency " would[...] | |
[...]place of im• "Land Bank" to issue a paper currency portance in banking history because of the[...]ifteen years later Law was about to be the currency. of[...]g a bankrupt the amount to which paper currency cou attentions to a young lady of fashion[...] | |
[...]ents, and after dealt with there. At all events "Currency"[...]ew Mortgage Bank loans, formerly one of "Currency's" special reps., After the Bank's mor[...] | |
[...]siness in Australian as they operate in currency but must buy and sell in a foreign tralia? Here is a brief currency-the exporter, for example, buying in outline: - Australian currency and selling in sterling, and (1) Export[...]tralian. currency proceeds How can they cover themselves agains[...]arge, against just such a loss. currency payments What are these facilities and how do the[...]authority of same basis as English and other currency appli- and the time of receipt and conversion to[...]s, but the risk involved is borne by the tralian currency of the £E90, the rate were to[...]a covering inter-bank contract depends on the currency involved in the position to ship the goods and[...]the English cur- In the case of English currency, the forward which he entered into the commerci[...]desired exchange protection by a currency other than English currency lower for purchases and higher for sales t[...]r each month forward. of this amount of foreign currency is to be dollars), the English currency equivalent of For example, if an exporter pro[...]present providing for delivery of that foreign currency bank contracts to purchase 10,00[...]currency is to be used (that is, £A124/14/3 = Mos[...]rate for a two months Australia are in English currency, but the Central Bank relat[...]ng contract would be £A124/ 9/ 3= £E100. currency of a contract will depend on the com-[...]manu- ward against English currency in London[...]so that it will have the latter currency[...]vised to the Exchange Control. bankers in this currency. bank cont[...]change Control. currency by the contracting bank (for against the[...]red or processed before ship- (6) The currency purchased or sold by the tions go[...] | |
[...]knowledge of an appearance in "Currency" from time to ink, and be initialled by[...] | |
[...]considers each case on its price in Australian currency that the Bank is disadvantages. They re[...]s whether its prepared to pay for £100 English currency saving in the cost of construction[...]ortgagee might be prejudiced. where the English currency has already been ing buildings, and[...]esented £204 a head of population. Australian currency in Australia until the date usance.[...]63,000,000, or £170 the Bank receives English currency in London. It will be seen t[...] | |
[...]rst season. Anticipating your interest, "Currency" invited Mr. J. C. Bowes, Chairman of t[...] | |
[...]is a repetition of what contributions to "Currency'',[...]ry declaration lain this section of the magazine as a complete[...] | |
[...]ve with girl at a volume in the December issue of Currency. London money market is not[...] | |
[...]Departments. (a) the stability of the currency of Australia;[...] | |
[...]N this issue of Currency is inserted a form of questionnaire h As a measur[...]lished in the magazine, and your suggestions as regards the in respect o[...]- You will assist us to make the magazine more useful to you by With central banking[...] | |
[...]QUESTION NAIRE I. Do you read "Currency":- 1. Regularly? 2. Not at all[...]What is your opinion of the following sections of "Currency"?[...]gestions for improving "Currency". | |
[...]as to rent a decrepit form~r According to the magazine Time Giannini's[...] | |
[...]heir detailed congested. They requested "Currency" to record point out that, in[...] | |
[...]"Currency" promptly and Not only is the keeping o[...]the central bank. In times of cash "Currency's" aim to be of service[...] | |
[...]rtant, and it is preferable that the present 'Currency' of our intentions in this regard and[...] | |
[...]adline, 21st March youR views on ''Currency" are important and may play[...]a big part in shaping the future oi the magazine. Please[...] | |
[...]currency. There is then a general tendency for[...] | |
[...]the tangled mass of currency when another will[...] | |
[...]Can you beat that one "Currency"? "We got[...] | |
[...]is made, and it is surely appropriate that our magazine with the title "Currency" should have an article on this subject[...] | |
[...]one which, in that case, would require the "Currency", and is repeated for your informa- tion:-[...] | |
[...]to the U.K. used, and our English currency Travelle rs' Perth will include the requisitions for by Qantas a good method is to buy currency Cheques would also be appropria[...]ts and avoid accumulating in local currency notes for a reasonable amount. G[...]desires some small change in currency, so Travellers are often in doubt as to what[...]Cheques in English currency. As most of accurately assessed, but we u[...] | |
[...]to determine the net cost of the currency and its n ish<>s co11cer11[...]that records each trans• action in the foreign currency Involved as well Office is the focal point for bulk transactions as in Australian currency (referred to as "Dual of purchases and sales of most currencies. ; Currency" bookkeeping).[...]at Count s F ster lo these accounts In Australian currency are posted to a general ledger account, "Balances[...]1111d II "1'otometrr" The foreign currency balance of each individual account reAects the[...]. /umk . currency available with any particular[...]II . fnr ,ectio1111I rt1/I'· the Foreign currency involved in the accounts[...]co1111ti11f( mi•climu,m, issue on us in foreign currency for negotiation[...]fler11tio11 at lleatl ( . ,rr balances in foreign currency in our Nostro[...] | |
[...]("Currency" 1/ 3 52) concerning the noting of STR[...] | |
[...]HE Bank's travellers' cheques in English currency were first introduced in 1936.[...]hroughout the world . There are Currency[...] | |
[...]9 351 1937 Royal right to issue Australian currency notes-a func- Issue Board of four d,rectors that[...]e accounts were th~ stability of the currency, and the maintenance to the pu[...] | |
[...]rates of exchange for foreign currency, to These, briefly[...]nwealth Bank either, but currency as agents of the Commonwealth Bank,[...]this way all the nation's foreign currency reserves banking and tr[...] | |
[...]. Travellers' cheques in Australian currency are McShanag, G. B., C.S.B., Melb.[...]cheques in Australian currency in June, 1939, Searle, F. H., Melb.[...]shall, J. D. N., Bris., Daughter. currency provide a most convenient means of[...] | |
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Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1951 - May 1952 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 |